Where has A-Good-Night's-Sleep Gone???
It's just about that time again. You know of what I speak. Cold Season. Two words that put the fear of sniffles, headaches, body aches, stiffness, sleepless nights, sore throats, and sneezies into us all. To combat this Season, we have Kleenex, VapoRub, Cold Medicine, and A-Good-Night's-Sleep. Unfortunately for anyone who is...for anyone, A-Good-Night's-Sleep is off fighting other battles, and won't be able to join the war on Colds.
A-Good-Night's-Sleep is currently fighting Midterms and Term Papers. Term Paper has been defeated, and Sleep and Midterms are locked in mortal combat. The is only one small problem for Sleep...Midterms aren't fighting fair, and have enlisted the help of Homework, Appointments, and even Leisure Time has joined the fray. No one knows yet whose side Leisure Time is on.
Stress and Headaches are constantly around, egging both on. Oh, and don't forget the groupies, the Mice. They cheer for whomever is on top at the time, ignore the peanut butter snacks set out for them and are instead enjoying DownStairsNeighbor's saltine crackers. Of course, it could be that the Mice don't wish to be challenced by the Traps, and would rather play the trickster charecter of this whole drama.
Just like a boxing match, though, this whole jamboree has a time limit. The bell sounds, and the clock strikes it's metaphorical midnight by 5PM on Wednesday. I'm sure that Cold Season will hang around after the outcome, just to see if Sleep wins. Cold Season loves to take advantage of those who have been roughed up by Stress and Headaches.
As for the Lone College Student, she hopes that Leisure Time leaves the fray and joins her sometime soon.