Monday, February 17, 2003

It's Almost two weeks after my last entry. I'm still sore. I went skiing yesterday and had a collision with one of the people I was skiing with. Oops, we're both ok from what I know of, just sore. I hope she's not to mad at me, I was falling and so kinda out of control. My bottom is bruised. I love sitting on hard campus chairs when it's not fun to sit.
I'm going climbing tonight again, like normal for a monday night and then I'm going to go play broom ball. The team needs me, or something. We have to have 2 girls to play for the team every week cause we're a coed team. So I have that going on. I have a lot to do for school too. I want a break now, not in a month. I suppose I should go eat some lunch or something. I'm going to go find some pads for broomball. My elbow is still sore from two weeks ago too. Oh well. More later.

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