Monday, December 05, 2005

The home stretch

It really must be getting close to end of semeseter time. I'm sitting here blogging after a long day of homework/tests/etc, eating ice cream (peanut butter cup) at my compute, and making lists.

For instance, today I:
  1. Did laundry
  2. Paid rent
  3. Finished my last biostatistics homework set
  4. Started and finished Environmental Chemistry HW #6
  5. Started and almost finished EC HW#7
  6. Started EC final exam (really a doozy, worked for 1.5 hrs and still not even done with #1 part a.
  7. Went to the bank
  8. Went to the grocery and bought food
  9. Did some mentoring (and reviewed my geometry)
  10. Worked on my part of the EC paper
  11. Worked a bit on my Policy paper (mostly rereading the assignment and brainstorming, but that counts!!)
  12. Reorganized the fridge, food cabinet, cupboard above the stove, and tea/cereal cupboard.
  13. Ate (very important)
  14. Did dishes
Pretty long list, huh? See, if I list out exactly what I did, then even though I'm nowhere near done I still get a mini sense of accomplishment. #12 is something that happens around finals time for me. I get into organization in a big way. Something about organizing helps me focus. Maybe it's that "I'm done and it looks good" feeling I get at the end. Or perhaps it's just a leftover from my procrastination past? Or maybe ANYTHING is better than the work required in the last week(s) of class? I don't know. I do know the kitchen looks lovely and I'm not going to be able to find anything in the morning.

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