Tuesday, December 13, 2005

They're Back!

Remember our furry four-footed little friends from last winter? No? Perhaps this will help you to refresh a year-old memory...

Yeah, that's them. Maybe not an exact portrait. Still. It's winter, there's snow outside so the mice came inside. We have no idea how many there are...only that it's a relatively (as in the last day or two) problem. We intend to be very proactive about this situation. Traps will be placed tonight. We're going to start with snap-traps. I hate the sticky ones because I feel like the poor little rodents suffer too much with them, but I'll break them out if I have to. Absolutely no poison...all it does is draw more of the wee beasties into the house with the promise of accessable food. Oh, and then they go and die in unaccessable walls and stink.

Day one of the battle: Mice - 3 items of food. Humans - 0

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