Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Bright new colors, pretty new furniture.

Finally. Am I done? No. But I have finished the painting and the moving about of the major furniture. Now all that's left are the hard things. The organizing of the things that are still in boxes. Things I don't use everyday, because they are still in boxes, and I am not so very keen on taking them out again. Oh, I'll do it. I'll hate it, but I'll do it.

This weekend my parents brought over the piano, a couch, a loveseat, and a table, and a chair. We moved those into the house, and then we spent the weekend doing various odd jobs about the house and doing yard work. LOTS of yard work. I think I pulled weeds and did garden bits for a total of 9 hours over 2 days. I am a sore self. Oof.

So, what's on the agenda for this coming weekend then? Will I be planting my garden, or will I be unpacking the dreaded boxes? Nope. This weekend I will be off climbing at Red Rocks. Whee. I'm excited and nervous. I don't do well in heat, and I just bought two pairs of capri pants and am wondering if I should have bought long pants. Oof. Oh well. Wish me good climbs, and a safe return (and no encounters with scorpions or large, furry spiders).

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