Monday, September 08, 2008

Do I dare?!?!?!

Karin will say, H-E-double hockey sticks Yes, you do! What am I talking about? I'm talking about setting a goal for my fitness. I'm talking about the...
2009 Kortelopet, Saturday, Feb. 21, Near Cable and Hayward, WI

The 2009 23K race starts in waves along with the Birkie skiers on Saturday, February 21st, at 8:30 a.m. Skiers must choose between Free Technique or Classic Technique when registering. At the 9K point, the Kortelopet will enter its own trail and ski to a finish line at Telemark Resort. Registration is available on line or by downloading the registration form. You may also contact the Birkie office for registration information.

Am I nuts?!?!
This, dear readers, is something I have yet to determine. I was going to get my bottom back into rollerblading in a big way this year. Somehow, that never happened. Getting my bottom into skiing will really depend on how much snow, and how soon we get it. But. 23K. I can do that. It's only what...14.3 miles? Easy! (Ok, not really.) I am WAY not in shape to do that. But...I could be! It would give me a goal, something to strive for. It would make Karin happy, because she swore she wasn't doing another one without me, or someone else to ski with her. It would make me happy, because it's something I want to try. But, I have to decide now. Because I need to be able to freestyle ski 14.3 miles in 5 months. That means starting to train NOW. Crap.

Karin, are we REALLY Reeeally thinking about doing this?!?!


Karin said...

You already KNOW the answer! If you will, I will. I am NOT NOT NOT skiing the Korte again without someone else there skiing with me!! Not worth it to be left behind by one and all. You will mainly need: 1. Cardio base and 2. To learn to go uphill.

You have until Oct 31st to decide. Mwahaha! Then the price goes up.

My vote is: Yes we go! As we haven't done any sort of race together this year at all. And I am now feeling WAY out of shape after watching my friend Justin run the Ironman yesterday in 11h 50m 43s.

Tricia said...

Ok. As of right now I'm in! I'm looking online for good training programs...Free ones! I still have my training from Rollerblading. I think I'm going to get them out and use this last month to get outside and start there.

Here we go....but I have a LONG way to go to get there. As I have also no desire to be last.

Karin said...

I shall look to see if I can get a training plan from my boy. Usually you get a free one when you sign up for the race. Or I can ask his friend, Tall Matt, for advice as he is in something like Wave 2 of the Birkie!!!!!

Anonymous said...

If you want a good cardio class---Body Step is probably the best at the Y. It wipes me out and I am not even doing all the steps cause I'm not that coordinated.

Have a good day!