Thursday, October 30, 2008

Benefits Fair

I just returned (a few hours ago) from my work's benefits fair. this is the annual event where I collect a new Snoopy from Met Life - I have three now in my office, one playing soccer, on driving Nascar, and this years edition playing baseball! I also get pens and clip magnets and other swag. This year's score?...a pedometer! Yup! While the flower (live) is beautiful, adn the waterbottle quenches my thirst, and I'm on a quest to collect a snoopy for each year I work here, the pedometer takes the cake!

This particular pedometer has a built in BMI/%fat indicator, like my scale at home. I enter weight, height, age, and the fact that I am, infact, female, and then I put my thumbs on the two little silver pads, and wait. Poof! Out comes percent fat and BMI. It's biased a bit because I'm wearing clothing, but it's not all that different from my scale at home, which isn't all that different from the nice doctors fact there probably isn't much statistical significance in the difference between the numbers. They all say "high" - work on that (well, they imply it). But, I now have a pocket sized, belt attachable guilt trip! Yup, you got it. See that chocolate cake over there? SHould you eat it? Just stick your fingers on your pedometer/guilt-trip monitor...NOPE! Look at that number!

Seriously though, it's a cool toy. I have a pedometer at home, and I haven't used it. This one has more buttons, I plan to use it. I will ahve to take my number of steps with a grain of salt though...Aparently I'm bouncey enough in my office chair to have taken 7 steps since I put it on whilst sitting.

Oh, yeah, and I got really good information on benefits enrollment while I was there, too!

1 comment:

Karin said...

I need to get me one of those. Wonder how many steps one takes whilst raking the leaves on the lawn from a ginormous maple tree???