Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Ah, Spring at last

I'm still not feeling 100%, though my 'sick' post was almost 2 weeks ago. I think, now that I look at the calendar, that yes - normal people do take sometimes 2 weeks to get over an upper respiratory thing. Grrr. I hate being normal people! Usually I am sick, and then better, or not sick. It has been a while since a true upper respiratory something whacked me! The chest is still tight, and I think I'll use the inhaler for a while yet before working out. It just makes sense.

I did sign up for the Crazylegs Classic in Madison next weekend (the 25th). Have I been running much in the last two weeks? Nope! Stupid cold! I did try on the 6ths and have a horrid horrid case of hives happen. This past weekend, being Easter, didn't make for much working out. Still, I have a week and one weekend, I'll get in at least 3 more runs of various lengths before the 'big event'. At least I have gone the distance recently, and know I can. Slow and steady may not win the race, but it gets it finished, and (hopefully) without a giant case of hives during!

Tonight is the official start to summer sports, with the first softball practice. We'll be playing on 1-2 softball teams this year, and one golf league. Additionally there will be climbing 2 nights a week (or on the weekend), and perhaps even some waterskiing. Also the yardwork. This makes for lots of time spent in the out of doors, not a bad thing. SOMEWHERE in all that I'll need to make my 12 times a month at the Y. Daunting, but I should be in good shape by September! The last two weeks have been slacking off w/ the eating healthy and the working out at regular intervals. I'd blame Easter and being sick, but those are just conditions, symptoms, whatever of my underlying problem. In a nutshell - I'm tired. I need to recharge the batteries. Adding new activities, while it will make my body more tired, means I'll be outside again, and that always makes me more energetic. It also means less time at home, and with the friends who don't participate in said activities, but I'll work to make time, be in on 'free' nights or weekends, so I don't lose touch. I'll have to fight the urge to just hide on nights where nothing is going on...but I'll work on that, too.

Starting in May, I need to ramp up my studying for my professional certificate. So...if there is anyone out there who likes going to coffee shops, bookstores, or just setting up study nights, let me know!! I need encouragement, and someone else being there, working on something else - with occasional breaks will help. I can't study ALL my sessions in that fashion, but I can definately do some. I'll be testing in October/November timeframe, and by the end of august I'll be studying 2 nights a week and part of a weekend. Plenty of opportunities :)

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