Sunday, January 25, 2004

Wow, here we go again...

You know, it's only one week into the beginning of this semester of 'fun' classes, and I'm already at it again. That 'P' word...Procrastination! ARG! I'm really good at keeping up in my Rhet class, but it's really hard to bring myself to read my O-chem book...and do the problems. I've already planned an industrius afternoon of cleaning just to keep myself from having to actually having to LOOK at it. I mean--ich. I want to learn the stuff, and it IS interesting. It's just that...the book is so DRY ( of course, it would be hard to read a wet book) and boring (unlike my Rhet book, which is actually pretty interesting, even if she's playing the typical "rhet or english person"-repeat-myself-umpteenth-times-to-hammer-my-point-home games. The book is about how society, culture, and the "times we live in" influence the sciences, specifically the language of science.

Some might role their eyes at that, but the book does rasie some interesting points. It's called Nature's Body: Gender in the Making of Modern Science We get to watch films in this class too, and then discuss. Much more fun that being packed like sardines into a COMPLETELY full lecture hall with sometihing like 238 other O-chem students three days a week.

Well, I think I'm off to go get a bloody mary or two. Another good way to procrastinate.

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