Wednesday, December 22, 2004

I'm dreaming of a White Christmas!

That makes me think of the Coke commercial now. Well that, and I'm drinking a cherry coke. Yuck - but I wanted bubbles. I think it's MFatGG that sings the I'm dreaming of a white christmas rendition for that commercial, I think I recognize the style. Erin, any opinions on that?

But more to the point, I want snow! I talked w/ Mom back in GB, looks like I'm going to get my White Christmas. While here in the Cities we only have a whee dusting of the white stuff, they got 8 inches! Woot! I'm going to go sledding on this hill I played on as a child. If I can't find my old sled, I'll use I plastic bag. Here in the cities if they want a whiter christmas they'll have to dream harder. It's bloody cold outside, and it's only going to get nippier. Something like -25 to -30F tonight w/ windchills. My car doesn't appreciate it. It can't snow when it's this cold, just no way. The the good kind of snow. The wet, fluffy, build a giant snowman that is so tall you have to engineer a way to get the balls on top of eachother, kind. (Katie, we are building a snowman in our yard this year!! Remember your Sorrels!) Problem is, it's so cold in GB now that my 8 inches of fluffy snow will be all icey crystals by the time I get there :(

I also think of skiing when I hear about this much snow. I have many friends I want to go skiing with, and to teach if they haven't before. I only was on my skies for a total of an hour last year. I did spend half an evening learning to snowboard. I will be spending more time learning that this year. It's a good workout. Anyone have any skate-style cross country skies they want to lend me (size 7.5 womens boot). I want to learn to do that too! Oh, and snowshoeing is fun.

I went to work out again on Monday with Katie. My poor stomache muscles. I'm going climbing tonight for the first time in like...2 months. I love how I take a bit of time off for doing the working out and then just start up again. No ramping up and down, nope. I love just jumping in. One of these days I'm going to jump in head first and find out the pool is made of ice. I may hurt my head, but when I recover, I'll go ice skating. :P

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