Monday, February 14, 2005

On getting nicked in the arse...

Today has significance to many people in the US of A. It is the day of buying candy (especially chocolate), flowers, and cards for that significant person in your life, and generally being sweet and nice to them. This raises the question, however, what do you do the other 364 (or 365 on a leap year) days a year for this person? Why is it that a day needs to be specified in order to remember and be sweet to your sweetheart? Isn't that for anniversaries, and just generally everyday? I am wondering, do other countries carry the custom of Valentine's Day the way it's carried out in the US? I remember when I was little it was St. Valentine's Day, but it seems in the recent years people have decided to shorten the name. I remember giving out candy and silly little cards to all the people in my class, even the ones I wasn't particularly fond of. We'd put the valentines into a brown paper bag taped to that other person's desk. Mom made sure you had one for everyone.
Now, as an adult, it's a holiday full of chocolates and roses and come-hither glances. At least, that's what mainstream American Corporations would like you to believe. I know the truth, though! This day is actually a celebration of hundreds of thousands of people getting nicked in the arse. Yup, you heard it here. You see, I am no fool, and I've seen the cards. Thousands of tiny cherubs who have forgotten their apparel lay-in-wait for unsuspecting arses to shoot pointy little sticks at with their toy bows. If this is indeed a reference to Cupid then I say, "Zeus, come and rein-in that miscreant youth!" Seriously, though, I feel no need to be shot in the arse. I've survived 24 + years without it, and I can survive at least that many more. This isn't to say that I don't ever want to fall in love...I just prefer my backside the way it is. I don't need a day to tell me when I should be nice to someone. I don't need a designated day to tell me when to feel romantically inclined either. (Though, I should warn you, I do indeed enjoy the idea of a day specifically devoted to chocolate - Dark Chocolate especially - Yum!) Nope, cherubs, keep your bows pointed firmly at other’s backsides. As for St. Valentine’s Day, while it’s cute watching the couples all out in their splendor and seeing girls riding home on the bus with roses in their hands, I really do wonder what the world would be nice if we adopted the ideals of Valentine’s Day during everyday. Just think, people being nice to each other…and all that CHOCOLATE!

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