Sunday, May 08, 2005

I know, I suck

It's not that I don't have a lot to say - I do, but it is that I have no time to say it in. Or, rather, the time I have to say it in is taken up by other, equally important things like sleeping. The semester is officially done on Friday the 13th. Ominous, isn't it? I have everything done except for my design project for one class, which I was going to finish this weekend, but didn't even start. Oops. I was having way to much fun doing other things. I went to a classmate's graduation party on Saturday night. Great times; we spent the evening sitting around a fire and playing guitars and singing songs. Yes, I played a guitar too. I know now 5 chords. Then I knew two. But you can go suprisingly far knowing E and A major. Really. I played a whole song. Then I played along on the Peter Gunn Theme, which is quite nice and easy all on the 6th string. Then, my playing being exhausted, I sat back and used the guitar as percussion. I learned a few more chords as well - as the night progressed. I was charged to learn the lyrics and tune to John Barley Corn Must Die by Traffic. I am to sing it at the next get together, while another coworker plays. Now, to look up the lyrics...

I went day-pack and digital camera hunting today. I didn't get anything, but found some price comparisions and I'll look up more info on the web. I realized today that I'll be in CA two weeks from now, and really should start getting everything in order.

I applied for one internship, and have an interview set up for a second, so I may actually have a summer job when I return from NZ. That would be nice. Not that I don't like the MPCA, but...I need something in my field. Speaking of the MPCA, I had my first game of Softball with the team. Great times, I am 0-1 as a pitcher, but I blame that on the fact I was the relief pitcher, and well, the other team hits hard. Still, it was the first time I've put on a glove or thrown a ball in about 10 years, so striking two people out and keeping the game relatively close is not a bad thing.

Ok, I'm going to go and get some sleep now. We just had a lovely thunderstorm, and I went outside and played in it until I was drenched through. Man, I love doing that! Rachel - I missed playing in the first good storm of the season with you :( I'm all dry now, so time for bed.

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