Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Oh Dear

This weekend was great. Nice and relaxing, which is what I needed. Went to see Underworld on Friday w/ Katie and Karin. Great flick. Have to go again sometime. Saturday went dancing. Had a great time and I straightened my hair!! Whee. See? Don't I look different? Even though straight wasn't perfectly straight, it was close enough... I also decided my hairs are too long so next Saturday I'm going to cut them. My only question is do I go back to REALLY short, or just medium short, or medium long? Maybe I'll put up some pics and have a poll.

Sunday I went swimming and watched part of the Superbowl. Monday in I learned that I probably didn't have the job I interviewed for, because I learned that one of three positions was filled. I hadn't heard yay or nay though, but resigned myself towards nay. Today I got a call from the person in the company while in class. I have to call tomorrow AM to find out which way it goes.

I'm really not sure which way I want it to be. I was excited, and had gotten myself used to the moving idea and then I heard the news on Monday. Now I'm not certain I'm ready to psych myself up again. I've decided that I'm going to assume it's a no until I talk on the phone tomorrow. Even having decided that, I still have butterflies. SUCK. I'll keep you posted.

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