Tuesday, September 25, 2007

A world without stairs, amen.

I have turned over a new leaf. Or perhaps it was the leaves falling on my house in the small thunderstorm last night. Whichever the case...yesterday I went to gym class, and I intend to continue doing so. I started the week by climbing on Sunday. Monday, I didn't want to - but I went to Step Class. No one was forcing me to with candy posing as guns. No, it was self bribery, and the candy the reward. I went to step and for 45 minutes I steped on and off and over the little staired platform, and side to side, and did steps I can't even name. By the end I was winded, and uncoordinated, and feeling rather good about myself. By the time I left the gym and went back to my desk to collect my things, I knew I would pay the price. This morning, when I hopped (yes, hopped and it was a dumb idea) out of bed I just about fell over in pain. I needed a remedy.

Dr. says - hair of the dog that bit you. So I went climbing. I climbed this afternoon on some easy climbs, and some hard climbs...and wouldn't you know it - most of them called for foot switches, or toe rises, or some other action that required much use of my muscles of leg. I felt stretched and better. Good Dr.

Nope. BAD Dr. I stretched when I got done, but not enough, I fear. Now my shoulders and neck and feet and hands AND calves hurt. I should clarify. This is all good hurts. The kind of hurts you get when you work out. The pain that says, 'this is a good thing, it will help me if I just keep at it.' It is that ' I'm accomplishing something' kind of pain. Still. It hurts. I am also thirsty (I'm going to fix that as soon as I'm done typing though).

So, tomorrow, will I rest? NO! Tomorrow is Abs and Gluts class! I like that class. Plus, those muscles don't hurt yet. If you're going to get wet, you may as well jump in the deep end...or something like that. Still, it would be nice if the whole world had elevators and escalators where hills and stairs might be....just for one day, just til my legs feel better.

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