Friday, September 28, 2007


This weekend is Packer/Viking weekend. The first of two per season. This season, the packers are 3-0! The Vikings....are not. We plan to go to Erin and Lance's to watch the game, along with many Packers fans...and a few Vikings fans that happen to be dating or married to the Packers fans, and are thus required to watch the game in the company of Packer's fans.

I wore my Packers shirt to work today. It's a cute little black T w/ yellow and white writing, and then a little 'G'. I was walking through the hallway and a gentleman with a Vikings jersey passed me. We sized each other up...If I were a kicker he would have been a line backer...and gave each other the 'acknowledgment nod' and continued on our way. Most people were saying good morning to me, and me to them. Not him. We had the mutual understand that - for today at least, we were rivals. Our teams were rivals. On Monday, one of us will be able to gloat, the other will be quite sad.

Let's hear it for rivalries!

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