Friday, December 28, 2007

Almost the New Year...

2008. I recall when 2000 was a landmark not yet reached, one where the world might end, where computers might crash and eat the worlds/banks moneys. I lived in WI then. I hadn't truly defined my career path, or myself. That auspicious year came and went, the world did not end nor did all computers and banks eat all the worlds money, and here we are 8 years later...

2007 held some major landmarks in my life.
  • I've had a 'permanent, real life, job' for the whole year, no mid semester break and no summer break. Only two weeks off for good behavior. Depressing, that last bit.
  • I bought my first house, and have enjoyed the triumphs and dismays of such. Painting, fun but I'll stick with the colors I now have for a while. Water, in the house? Where?! ...SUCK!
  • I finally own my own motorcycle, and have so far had a great time riding it, both to work and for fun rides, and for long distance rides (though a new seat for such long rides might be nice).
  • A solid, steady, loving relationship.
  • Bird Feeders!!! Yes, this is monumental.
  • First multi-pitch climb completed (and subsequent rappel.)
  • Skied the Canadian Rockies (and did not die, or break anything vital, and tried harder things than I thought I could do!)
So many other things happened to those close to me; friends have joined in marriage, other friends and relatives are expecting the birth of a wee one sometime next year, still other friends have met someone and fallen in love, and others are off having grand adventures elsewhere in the US/World.

I sat down last week to write my Christmas letter, which I still haven't mailed it's now a Holiday letter, and tried to look back on all I'd done. I'm not amazed the time has flown, we've all filled our time admirably this last year.

I'm finishing up all those things at work that are needed before the end of the year, and it gets me to thinking about next year...both at work and home. What will next year bring? If it's anything like '07 I'll have to take time out to remember to breathe.

Sometimes I think I need to take a vacation day to just sleep and laze about and relax...but that never works out. I'm not sure I need more 'me' time, or more 'relaxing' time. I don't think that will happen. It would be nice to schedule in some quiet time now and again, but looking at the way my life (and that of my close friends) has been the last 2 to 3 years, I think from now until retirement, and maybe not even then, this is the pace we're forced to live at. You make of it what you will. I choose to go with the flow and make every change a positive one, somehow. It's hard, and maybe 'not right' that life has to move at such a rate, given how short a time we all have, but that's the way it is.

As far as 2008 resulutions, I have one - so far. I'll share that after the new year bell tolls. As for an outlook into the future, I'm working on that too. Today is simply to reminisce.

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