Sunday, May 04, 2008

Another Weekend, more work in the yard

It's the weekend. Lately that's meant yard work. Which is fine, really! I love being outside, especially right now, when there are no mosquitoes. There are ticks though, I had to brush two off me, and one off Trev. Still, even ticks can't dampen my appreciation for the weather we had today.

Yesterday was nice, too, but way windy. So I went to Chris's house and we knitted for a while. When I left there, Trev and I ran errands and we bought a bunch of things we needed, and a bunch of stuff we didn't (BAD me!). Today we woke to a gorgeous day. We had breakfast, filled two new birdie feeders - an oriole feeder and a hummingbird feeder, and hung them, then it was get to work time. We spent 6ish hours in the yard, listening to the twins game on the radio and having a fire to burn all the sticks we raked up. We cut branches and pulled weeds, and moved plants, and burned sticks.

For a break, we went to Menard's, where we bought a shiny new blue wheel barrow, 8 hanging plants, and a watering can, and three brand new (working!!!) lights for outside the garage. We stopped at Cub's garden store on the way home and bought herbs. I'll plant them tomorrow as I ran out of light tonight. Trev is, even now, outside in the dark with a headlamp making the garage lights go up. I'll go help in a bit, when it gets to the 'hold things while he wires' stage. Until then, I'll hide inside at the computer.

It's such a nice night, half of me wanted to build the fire back up and sit there for a few more hours. The other half of me is so dead tired from 7 hours of yard work that I know I'd fall asleep and perhaps fall into the fire! It's been a glorious day no matter what though, and I KNOW I'll sleep well tonight.

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