Thursday, May 08, 2008

The Poor Hairy!

Hairy Woodpecker, woe is you. You knew your feeder well. It sat upon my deck all winter, but this time it did move. I put it on the tree - just there! See, just down below. Yet you sit upon my deck and ponder, wherever did it go?

I didn't mean to be so poetic, but there you have it. The hairy woodpecker was quite confused today, as I moved his feeder lower in the yard to make room for my herbs (in hanging baskets off the deck - easier to get too, and not as much a temptation for the rabbits). He hopped on the railing for a while (it's very funny to watch a woodpecker hop, they are very awkward), then tried to land on the pole holding the other feeders, but kept slipping. Finally, he gave up and flew away. I tried to point it out, but to no avail.

Birds I've seen this year so far: (in no particular order)
whitebreasted nuthatch
hairy woodpecker
downy woodpecker
red-bellied woodpecker
tree swallow (I think)
ruby crowned kinglet
yellow rumped warbler
robin (X1000 at least, one is singing to me now)
house finch (again X1000)
purple finch
goldfinch (also X1000)
chipping sparrow
song sparrow
house sparrow
morning dove
duck - mallard I believe
goose (buzzed the tower, decided that counted)
one I haven't identified yet (yesterday, at birdbath, have decided I need a better birdbook)

Birds I've seen at another home's feeder:
Blue Jay
red-breasted nuthatch

Birds I heard golfing:
Lots, I need to learn to identify bird calls

Birds I saw at Tartan Park, golfing or while playing softball:
Red winged blackbirds
barn swallows
turkey vultures
wild turkeys (taking off for flight, about the funniest thing I've seen in awhile)

Not a bad list. I'm going to keep adding to it.

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