Monday, September 15, 2008

Wet, Fun, Weekend

This weekend we went away North. Trevor took me away to help celebrate the day of my birth. We were going golfing. Were. It rained. A LOT! Saturday we left the cities and headed to the destination. We checked in, and it was raining. After exploring the hotel and the attached casino, we decided to go to Duluth, as we weren't that far away. We did some driving around, and watched the boats, and had supper at Blackwoods with a friend of Trev's. Then it was back to the casino, where I made a bit of money with the free money they gave us to stay there.

Sunday dawned grey, but dry. We went down to the breakfast buffet, then came up and packed, and checked out. At checkout it was just misting. We went to the golf course and got set up and a bucket of balls to warm up with. By the middle of hitting our bucket, it was raining again. Little drops, yes, but LOTS of them. We went back to the clubhouse, asked for a small towel to wipe the seat dry on the cart, and headed out to play. It kept raining...and the wind picked up. The entire area was conspiring to keep us from golfing. We tried though, we did. But after I shanked a few balls we gave up. They gave us rain-checks, and we'll go back yet this fall when it's not nearly so nasty out.

We went back up to Duluth and went to the Army Corp of Engineers Marine Museum. We watched a 730' cannaler come in. We chatted, had supper, took pictures of the waves, and had a good time.

Today I'm back to reality. Tonight - I swim. I have reread my last post, reminding myself that yes, I need to get in shape. Tomorrow, I run. I will repeat as necessary, adding aerobics, Rollerblading, climbing, skiing, etc.


cobaltriposte said...

Huh, I've never heard of someone getting a rain check because of actual rain. I think you can get "rain checks" at Target for sale items they run out of, but I also think that the Target sales people would give me funny looks if I asked for a "sun check" on a clear day. Might be worth an experiment, though.

Tricia said...

Try it! I wanna hear how it goes...Or even better, ask for a 'slightly drizzling check'. The possibilities are endless!!!