Tuesday, December 09, 2008

New Shoes!!!

I returned the shoes that just weren't working. I paid four dollars more for a pair of Saucony Triumph 6 like these. (No I did not pay that much!) I found out my foot is a neutral and that I need cushioning shoes! I thought I needed stability shoes, but it turns out when I brought my old running shoes in that I actually hit dead on center running, and that w/ high arches cushioning shoes are better. I'm getting used to them now, I've logged 5 miles on them already running, and probably another 5 walking. I think I've finally found a shoe I like to run in (notice I didn't say I enjoy the running!)

I am doing week 3 of the Couch to 5K running program now. I use the mp3 player mixes from the Podrunner Intervals page which really, really helps me! One of my main problems with running is I would start out at a pace, but then get going faster, and faster and faster until I couldn't run anymore - only to discover I'd done only 1 mile. The beats on these are set to a certain BPM and really help me keep a pace. I figured out I'm doing between a 9 and 10 min mile - closer to 9...way faster than normal, which is why I'm tired when I'm done. But, it's a good tired.

Yesterday I did the second of 3 workouts to the week three, and then I did the squat/lunge thingies, and then I did many, many ab thingies. My squatty muscles hurt more than my abby ones. Probably cause I had just run. Right now, the first step I take after sitting any length of time is painful, as is the second, and the third....Still, I'm getting somewhere.

We have snow. Enough the the xcountry skiing places should open their trails soon. V. soon I'll get to find out if I am going to die later this winter or not :P I still have to buy my trail pass, and I should probably make sure the extra mass I'm carrying isn't going to affect the performance of my skies. OOF! On a positive note, my extra mass has been reduced a little bit...must. not. give. in. to. holiday. sweets.!!

1 comment:

Karin said...

Check the ski trail reports! I went out for my 2nd time today. This one was much flatter than the one I've been on before. I made it about 2mi w/o stopping!! Versus the 0.1 mile I usually go with the hilly trail. I am also doing Week 3 at the gym...