Monday, December 15, 2008


Tonight I'm going to do something I haven't done for a year or more. Tonight, I'm going to tie on my rollerblades and hit the Dome. I was a very. bad. blader. this summer, not once did I take my skates out onto the trails. Grant it, it was a busy summer with two softball teams and one golf league, but still - not once! A travesty, that was! Tonight I will take myself, my skates, my wristguards and helmet, and my safetyglasses (to keep the wind out of my eyes) and head to the dome. I don't intend to stop until I've clocked at least 10 miles...maybe more. What I won't have is my heartrate monitor. I can't find the watch bit. I have the band...but the watch part is oh, so missing. Sigh. I will have to just zoom around based on assumptions of time. So, what does that title have to do with this, you ask? Touching! is what you say when you are zooming up on someone and don't want to try to brake (and thus knock over 1/2 your paceline by clicking skates). You simply put your hand on the small of the person in front of you's back, and say Touching. I don't think I'll be in a paceline tonight, unless I run into some folks I know, as my skating partner is sadly in a Small Town somewhere :P Trevor is coming, but he needs new blades before he's up to skating pace-line speed. Perhaps we'll work on that tonight.

More snow fell last night. I'll be looking into skiing places for the weekend. Not til then, however. Too Darned COLD!

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