Thursday, March 19, 2009


Yes, this post is to brag. Usually I don't brag, but today I'm going to. I'm just extremely proud of myself. Today I ran/walked for 5 miles. I went to the Y, and I walked a warm up, ran 20 min straight, walked for 5 min, ran for 20 more min, and then walked for 10 min. In that time I went exactly 5 miles. Yes Karin, this means I can do that race with long as you are OK w/ taking 1 whole hour to do so.

The farthest I've ever ran myself at once is 3.2 miles. The farthest I've ever ran/walked myself has to be around 4 miles (in recent history, I'm sure when I played soccer in high school I might have gone farther.

So, yay me! It shows that hard work does begin to pay off. I will not lose ground, I will keep pushing this! On another subject...the scale says I'm going in the right direction again, the software is working.


Karin said...

Yay! I'm working up to the 5 miles. And my goal is to finish, not win the race :P I am still aiming for running the entire 5k distance by 6 April, so I can go 8k by the race time.

Tricia said...

My goal is to be able to run the whole 5 miles with just one walking break (if needed for the beats of heart). I was going to run right after work today, but my bag of goodies (shoes and clothes) is at home, so I'll have to go there first. :(

cobaltriposte said...

Hey, congrats! I know you've been working up to it for a while, and now you've done it! Yay!