Monday, August 05, 2002

Well, it’s another week, and I can’t believe we are in our first full week of August already. Wow. Ok, time flies, or I’ve been standing still with my hands over my eyes and plugging my ears yelling, “go away time!” I think it is the latter. So I’m sitting here at my desk, and thinking of all the stuff I have to do before school starts again, like work on my class and pack and buy books and find a job, and yeah…I’m kind of wishing that I had another month. Can I buy July the same way one would buy a vowel on Wheel of Fortune? Something tells me time is not for sale, unless of course you bribe the Maiden, Mother, and Crone. And some other little bird tells me the Fates are not for sale. Damn. Perhaps, if I can get Chronos…no, never mind. So I’ll just sit here with my dessert of a hot cup of Chai and a square or two of the chocolate my friend Rachel brought me from Germany (I have to ration it, I only have one bar) (and I’ll never eat Hershey’s “milk chocolate” again…you were right Rachel, you were right.) and try to plan my procrastination in such a way that I manage to get everything done that I want to do, and have to do, without giving myself an ulcer, or worse.

On the plus side, I’m feeling rather whimsical, and impish, and creative tonight. I may draw again, or I may write poetry, or I may even begin another one of my stories that I usually send to the Recycle Bin as soon as I get 4 pages in, cause I don’t like it so much. I have a good idea (again) and maybe I’ll stop procrastinating long enough for the Muses to help me out with it. Or maybe my creativity will confine itself to the playground of my Blog for tonight. You never can tell.

Another plus is soon The Two Towers will be released into the theater. This makes me giddy. I have read all three books in the Lord of the Rings trilogy, multiple times, and The Two Towers is my favorite. Kind of like Empire Strikes Back (you knew Star Wars was going to show up in here eventually, come on, it’s me!!!), it’s dark and mysterious, but gives you some hope. It also stands alone as well as being a good middle chapter of a trilogy. Don’t get me wrong; I love Return of the Jedi and The Return of the King (ooh, notice the similarity in the titles…) and on some days they fit my mood better, but you just can’t beat the “chapter two’s”(in the trilogy, I know Empire is Chapter 5). I know many that agree with me. I think Jenny does, and maybe Katie. My brain seems to not want to remember who likes Empire best. Katie can also agree with me on Towers, I don’t think Jenny has read them yet.

Speaking of new movies coming out, I am also excited for the next Harry Potter. Yes, I have gotten involved in that fad. It’s me; I love good writing, fantasy, and make believe. The Harry Potter series includes all three rather nicely, don’t you think? I do have some issues with he Goblins. Katie agrees with me on this. I subscribe to the Tolkein world of fantasy, which most people follow, so to me a goblin looks rather a bit like what they did, but taller, and mean and not so smart. I realize that there is such a thing as creative license, and she has every right to write the way she does, it’s just hard for my brain to wrap proverbial little literary fingers around the difference with the same world. I am also eagerly awaiting, along with about a billion other people, the 5th installment of the 7 book series. It will be another good beginning of winter for movies. Wow, this entry has gotten really long. I could continue to talk, or write rather, but I think perhaps my readers have had their fill for one entry. Good Night

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