Thursday, September 16, 2004

Back to basics

So far in my classes, I haven't really learned anything new. I thought that was what grad school was all about. But I spose we have to review everything that everyone might have forgotten over 1 to 15 to 30 summers between their last semester and now. Still, I'm getting a new perspective on old material. It's odd though when you cover an ENTIRE class you had in undergrad in 50 min. (and you understand it all, and it starts coming back to you! woot!) The homework sucks, and I'm not quite sure how I'll keep up with it, and working, and having any sort of life what so ever. I know what Katie means, she's at school all friggen day, and I'm at work and class all day too. I should put a blanket in my pod at work, and another in my locker at school. Yes, I said locker. I have a cute little locker that is about 4 inches wide by about 4 feet tall, perfect for jackets and mittens, and on top, there is a little 1ft x 1.2ftx 2 1.5ft deep cubby for things like extra shoes, food, gym clothes, books, etc (though not necessarily all at the same time!)

When I look at it all, it's like EEP, when am I doign to get X, Y and Z done and still read P, D and Q while studying for F, U and K exams. But, it's not so bad when I break it down week by week, and make lists, and just breathe. After all--everyone is getting overwhelmed by something at some point, it's how we deal with it that makes us stronger people. I am convinced (at least at this point) that grad school isn't so much about learning the material, as about learning how to find the material you need, and how to cope when you can't or it's just too much at once.

In other news, my B-day went quite well. I went to work and to class, (poo) and then after my class I went to Old Chicago w/ Kris from downstairs, Peri from class, Lee and Chris and my bestest roomie Katie! We had food, and then, I had the Fudge Brownie (w/ ice cream)-for free cause it was my b-day and they're all nice like that. Don't worry, I shared. It was a hodge-podge celebration put together about 3 hrs before we went, right before my class, and I didn't get a chance to call everyone, specially the people I knew it would be more than a little hastle to drive all the way over to St. Paul just for a late dinner...but I hope to do something more next week/end sometime. Nothing special, just maybe dinner or a small movie night, or going out (hehe)

So, the rest of this week stays busy. I have class tonight, volunteering tomorrow and then a Dr. Appt. and then I leave to go get my race packet in Duluth. Then Saturday is The Big Race. (well, big for me anyway, as it's my first ever) Karin is riding up to Duluth w/ me, so we'll get to chat away any pre-race jitters. But all in all, I'm getting really excited for this race. I was really kinda disappointed when we didn't do it last year, so here's to the second try!

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