Tuesday, September 21, 2004

The Bus of Eternal Stench

Oh, it stank. It's the stink of ages. Once it gets on you, it never goes away, and even when you are in your house, away from the bus for 3 hrs, you still smell it. Noone else does, or they pretend not to. But that SMELL! The bus I rode home tonight smelled like mothballs, or something equally discusting. That putrid, astringenty, metallic-biting smell. Maybe it smells of Urinal Cakes. I don't know. But whatever it was, whoever it was -STANK. I smelled it all the way home, and combined with the diesel fumes and the fact I had to sit in the back of the bus, facing sideways and trying to hold a convo w/ someone...

My poor belly is still doing flip flops. I took a shower to releave myself of the stench, but I think it's permenantly impressed upon my nose hairs and my brain. I can't really even smell, my allergies are so bad. Ugh, so that tells you just how BAD this was. I think I'm going to put vaporub under my nose and go to bed and pout there. I'm sure Eeyore and Kirara will keep me company, and they won't tell me that I smell now too. :(

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