Thursday, September 02, 2004

What a difference a day makes!

Wow, I have already typed this blog entry. It's almost like deja-vu, only this time I know I'm repeating something. Damned blogger has been misbehaving for me lately. Ok, here I go again.

On Tuesday, I was fretting because I didn't know what I was going to be doing one week from then. Then Wonderful Wednesday. I met my advisor, registered for classes, visited the bookstore (in an attempt to purchase my books so I could be super ready for class, but no luck), and poof!, I know what I'm doing from now until December. Not only that, but I have a strikingly good idea of what is going on Spring semester too! Woot!

Also on Wednesday I had my car's oil changed and tires rotated, and all the other bits checked out--good news, I have no need to replace my breaks like I though, they are just being squeaky (so says the nice mechanic who should know what he is talkign about). When I got home from doing that I cleaned the kitchen, and cleaned my room. But I still wasn't done. I then attacked all the stuff in my attic that I've been meaning to do all summer, and was one of the major 'you will do this' things on my "summer to do list". Missions: accomplished. So I celebrated last night by playing video games with Katie and reading some Star Wars. A good day indeed.

I also learned that once you are registered for grad school, you become suddenly smarter. At work for instance, I suddenly have been talking with people about 'developing' things and 'researching', instead of simply filing. Oh, and the biggest improvement on the work situation...tomorrow I'm going to go shoot water balloons off - as scientific research. I like 'developing' and 'researching'. Yup, it has been a good day and a half!

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