Friday, April 08, 2005

I went running last night with Katie. It actually felt good! I can't believe it. We ran down the road and to the lake, then all the way around the lake. It's about one mile to the lake, and 1.6 around. So we did a total of probably 2.5 miles or running last night. I started out saying, let's get in one mile and see how we feel. We were both in the groove, so we kept going, and going, and going. We were very much like the energizer bunny, passing people, rocking out to our music. I'm not even stiff today thanks to a excellent post-run stretching session. I am pretty tired today though. I have to decide if I want to chase my coworkers around the lake on my rollerblades, go to the Public Health film festival (showing sex ed films tonight), take a nap, or read my book out on the porch. I will have to see what people are up to. If I can't wake up soon the nap or exercise will win though, or I'll be worth nothing all night.

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