Monday, April 09, 2007

I can’t believe all that has happened. I have been so busy I have not even blogged.

After I blogged about not having my house, I got it back. It’s a long story and not worth getting into here, but I closed March 30 and I am now a proud homeowner. Proud, and tired. I have been painting for the last week and a half or so…almost every room in the house needs paint. After tonight the 4 bedrooms will be done. I still have the kitchen, living room, family room, hallways, and main entrance to paint. Luckily it will only be three more colors. I just have to pick them. Sometime I am going to paint the two bathrooms, but not now. Also the laundry room can stay the way it is. I have to figure out a few more things as well. Such as what is going where for when I move my stuff.

I know where most of the things I’m bringing over will go, but not all. I will start with the bringing things soon. In fact, this weekend I will probably move most of my stuff. That doesn’t leave me with much time. Tomorrow I will pick up the rest of the paint and pack up things, Thurs/Friday I will try my best to get most of the painting in the downstairs done. Saturday I will move a majority of things, if the weather is nice. Sunday too there will be moving, and more painting. Next week I hope to finish the painting and start some organizing. Either that Sunday or sometime during the week I’ll finish moving the stuff from my apartment. That next Friday (we’re up to the 27th now folks) My new appliances will be delivered, so I have to have things ready for them to go into place. I also have to find out if I have to plumb in the new gas line or if the installers do that. (for the gas dryer). By the end of April I have to be completely out of my apartment.

Even though appliances come with a house, and even though they are in perfectly good working order and quite nice, I decided I wanted new ones, so I have For Sale:

1 desk, slightly bruised but in fine working condition.

1 electric coil oven (30 in width)

1 washer

1 dryer

Pictures and pricing available upon request, with more items for sale to follow

Anyone who wants to try their hand at painting with me is more than welcome!

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