Monday, April 16, 2007

Move In Begun.

I am sitting on the floor in my living room of my house. It's 10 PM. I have been a home owner for almost 17 days. Maybe 18. I can't be bothered to do the math right now. Last night was the first night I slept here. It was kinda scary and kinda sad. Scary, because it's a neighborhood I've only driven through, been in my yard. There are a lot of kids, I know it's safe, but I was all by myself and I am only half moved and was feeling very discombobulated. I was also sad. Sad to leave Como Park. Sad to leave the current roommate. Oh, I know we'll be seeing each other, hopefully often. But it is different when you live with someone, and you live together well. I was also hyped up on emotion because of all that had happened last weekend. I painted downstairs and finished the whole bottom level while Trev did wiring and putting together upstairs rooms and such. Sunday Trev and I moved most of my stuff with the help of his friend Tim. Sunday night I picked up roommate from the airport. By the time I got back to the apartment and got the few things I needed and made sure I was OK for work....I was over emotional. Weepy almost. It was odd. I think the house finally became real to me in that moment. I was leaving renting. I was growing up. It was odd, and scary, and I"m still in a weird mood about it. (but still very happy, I assure you.)

So here I sit on the floor in my living room at 10:06. I have my speaker system hooked up so I can listen to music as I clean and work. Tonight I've done 2 loads of laundry and put it away in my new closet. I've vacuumed one room and steam cleaned two. I'm about to organize the bathroom stuff and take a shower. Shower, you think...that's not that odd. It is, when it's the first time you've used the shower. I have no idea if it gets too hot or too cold. How the water pressure is. If the bottom of the surface is slippery, and if I need to add some stickies to it. I had meant to organize the kitchen stuff, but the vacuum and steam cleaning and laundry took longer than I expected. Always that is the way with things for this house. I think I estimate the time well, but something happens to make it take longer. Part of me just wants to take the shower and go to bed. I can do the bathroom stuff tomorrow when I'm fresh. I'm wanting to put everything in a place. To pick the place now. To stick with the clean, organized self that lives inside me...deep, deep down. I think I may just put away enough to get into the shower for tonight. Yes. Then I will sleep. It's been a long day.

Tomorrow I will go get a new license :( I will miss my WI one. So here I stand, at 10:11, to go finish my evening, curl up with Eeyore, and go to sleep.

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