Friday, April 25, 2008

In the spirit of sharing....

May I borrow someone's eyeballs?!?! Mine have a curious new tendency to burn, itch, and irritate. Every day for the last week, I reach a certain point in the day, and BAM! a flare up of the worst itching and burning you can imagine. I know it's allergies, but I'm taking the one-a-day meds, and the extra innings meds on top of it. AND using allergy eye drops 2x daily. Honestly. I'm not keen on taking MORE medicine.

Hopefully spring will spring soon enough and I'll just have the day to day pollens to worry about. So, if you happen to have a pet, I will NOT be visiting your abode for the next week or so, maybe more, until this is under control. No use provoking the beast.

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