Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Improve Thy Mood

Have you ever had a day where you become crabby about something? What about when you are crabby about something that you can't really tell anyone why you are crabby (those involved, anyway) because your crabbiness will seem petty? What if, even if it IS petty, you have a right to be crabby? A catch-22 is it not?

Usually I give myself a stern lecture in the mirror about being crabby about things I can't change, even about being crabby in general. Being crabby changes nothing...and I try not to give into letting myself be crabby for the mood's sake, or letting a crabby behavior feel rewarding. (this is the path to the dark side, children)

Today, however, I've have given myself a time limit. I'm allowed to be crabby until tomorrow morning at 8AM. Yup, 8AM - but only for this specific reason (sorry I'm being cryptic, but no I will not write it here) and not at anyone or anything else. Then, I have to take a deep breath and let it go. I'll find a mirror if required. Because I really can't do anything, and in fact, that would make it worse.

It doesn't help that I was sick all last night and have the worst headache and backache right now. I think that is exacerbating the issue. Note to self, "chin up."

1 comment:

Tricia said...

Just writing this post helped! See, I'm less crabby already. Let it go, self, let it go....