Monday, June 09, 2003

Back to Work

I had a great time on my vacation, I will write more detail about that at some other time, I plan on getting the pictures developed soon, and then putting them online on my other webpage. I haven't done much work with that yet, but I will soon. I am still in decompress mode from the trip, so I tend to rush out towards physical activity (ie climbing and rollerblading) but not so much towards organizing things in the apartment or working on the computer. We were in London for a few days, and saw most of the sites there (the really big touristy ones anyway) and then headed to Wales to Caernarfon (pronounced ca-nav-orn) and I still may be spelling it wrong, silly me. I'll look it up when I am home. We went castle looking there (best castle I've seen so far) and then climbed a mountain. Then we headed to Scotland, where we were only in Edinburgh. It was a nice bit of a place though, cause Arthur's Seat is just outside of town, providing some great hiking. We saw Edinburgh castle, and went on a walking tour, and did some shopping htere. Then it was back to London (via Leeds and the Armory there) for a night, and what a night. Note to people--stay NOT at the Leinster Gardens Hostel...they make you buy toilet paper, the bathrooms are crummy, and the rooms are well...interesting. We jetted to Ireland for a week, spending time in Dublin and Killarny (county Kerry) doing some hiking in the state park in Killarny and visiting Ross Castle. In dublin we visited Dublin Castle, and the Book of Kells, and did shopping. Then it was back to London for a night, and then after walking in Hyde Park for a few hours while waiting to leave for the plane, it was back to Minneapolis. A busy time, but well worth the trip.

This summer now I have work, 40 hrs a week, sheesh, I'm 3 hours into the first day and I'm bored and hoping for 4PM with every fiber of my being. It's mostly cause the people who give me more than one thing to do are gone. That means I get to work on the project I left unfinished all day, I may even get it done, or mostly done today, if I keep working at an industrious pace. I will try.

I also have to look for a place to live for Sept. It doesn't have to be very close to campus, but it can't be too awefully far away either. There are some options in St. Louis Park, but that is far away and traffic is yuck. I'm thinking still Minneapolis/St. Paul area for me. I'll still be living with Rachel, and there will be just the two of us this year. We will each have our own rooms for the first time since we have lived together, it will be weird. I sense many a sleepover in the same room :P

There is a possible climbing trip in July. I want to go, but have no tent, no sleeping bag, no air thing to sleep on, and most imporantly, no money to buy them. So If I can't go there, I may have to see if I can convince certain people (or person) to go somewhere else for a few days. Who knows. I hope to go to CO though, cause I want to see my little cousin Griffin.

So that is the update on me. Stay tuned, I hope to get more motivated to work on this blog and my webpage and everything. I hope to blog more often as well, if things stay interesting in my life that is.

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