Painted Fingers!!!
Well, not really, but I am going with a theme here. My apartment is painted, and I'm sure the painters did paint their own fingers by mistake while doing the apartment. I know that they sure didn't match the color scheme going when they did it. But, I didn't want to wait and have them fix it so I put all my stuff back. Then I call my landlord this morning to find out when they are going to work on the other bedroom and the living room (the whole house is falling down, I swear) and he tells me he will have them fix the paintjob. I said, I already put everything back, so no thanks. Hehe. He'll just have to make it look normal when we move out. Harumph.
The bedroom Katie is moving into is going to be gone over and fixed on one wall. It's not in danger of pulling what the kitchen pulled. Kabooom! But, it could in the next year or so. Then, yesterday, in a mad dash to rearrange the living room...again...I noticed a goodly section on the wall in there that needed redoing. So, that was the reason for this morning's call. My landlord is probably not looking forward to calls from me. Hehe.
An update on the apartment on 1st, I peeked in the window (rather blatently, oops) and becuase of sun glare, the only thing I could catch was that the refrig is newer than ours. All this fixing up brings to mind a song that Katie and I sung in grade school music class...the one about a hole in the bucket and two people named "lyza" and "henry". I wonder how the "there's a crack in my wall..." song would go?
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