Sunday, October 27, 2002

Ok, time for update Whimsical Doodles, part two. I tryed to do this earlier, I really did, but the stupid blogger wasn't working properly. I've had one hell of a weekend. I'm not going into details here, much. Mostly I hate banks. They are so dumb. I didn't make the mistake, but somehow my transfer of funds never happend except on the day that I did it, and so now I owe lovely Wells Fargo many many overdraft fees. Someone please tell me who died and made their fuck ups earn them money? Not going to happen! I'm going to call them and bitch really really really loud and forcefully and "negotiate strenuously" with them tomorrow. Other than that, I did some homework this weekend....well I tried to do some homework this weekend, but wasn't at all motivated. Oops. I did find a class that works into my only taking tuesday and thursday classes next semeseter which makes me a very happy person. That means I can work Monday and Wed and Friday mornig and have the rest of friday to do whatever, and such. It will feel like I'm a part time student even though I will be fitting 5 classes and a lab into two days. I think it works, I will have to see, come registration day.
Anyway, I'm going to post this before blogger decides to be a bitch and not work again.

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