Thursday, September 25, 2003

Ice caves

Had another dream last night--two actually, but the details of the second one are too sparce to write down. I was on a grand adventure (I seem to be doing this a lot lately...maybe I'm being told something) I was climbing down a cliff, and when I got to the bottom, and had walked away from it a ways and looked back up, I noticed that I was really climbing down a giant carving in the cliff (aka my handholds were outlines of things). It was like the Argoneth or a giant carved Tapestry from the middle ages. There were people carrying things and leading animals and a war scene and in the top scene there was the King. I kept walking, next to a river by the cliffs and I looked at another cliff carving, and this was was intricate geometric designs. Someone was at the top, one of my companions, and I wanted to take a picture with them on top to get scale. So I aimed the camera that magically appeared in my hands, and I was about to take the picture when the person jumped. Now, these things are about 1000 feet tall or so, many heights of man, way more than any building, save perhaps the sears tower. But my companion jumped just as I took the picture, and I watched them move out of my shudder range just before I snapped the pic. I was ok with it though, aparently this person can jump that far and not be hurt, I could too, I guess, but I enjoyed climbing. My companion...I don't know if they were male or female, though I suspect male, and all in black, with a trench coat thing happening. Still it was more "vampire movie" than "matrix movie" Then we walked along the river and eventually got into an boat. The boat looked very much like an elven boat from Lorien, but it was made of ice. It sailed itself down this river, whick looked much like the River Anduin from the Fellowship of the ring. At some point we got out of the boat to swim. The water was very clear, and of a blue green color, and very, very cold. Colder than Lake Michigan, yet it was a cleaner-almost sterile cold. Where the lake feels more...Organic. I don't know how to describe that, it's just what came to mind. So we swam, and we were more in an underground now. IT was man made, with tile, but looked like a giant room under a temple or something. At the end was a grand pool, and many steps that led out of the water into this room under the temple or great building of some sort. I got out of the water there, and woke up.

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