No, that is not me trying to get your attention, that is me trying to clear my throat. I have a really annoying cold that WON"T GO AWAY! I got it last week, and then I thought I was over it, and now it's back with a vengence. I coudln't sleep at ALL last night cause I was so chilled, and so stuffed up and so coughing. I bough better medicines for tonight I think. I think I'm in the final stages....but I'd like to kick it out. My cold doesn't pay rent, and it isn't a welcome houseguest.
Rachel had one before me, and she is still in the coughing stages, even though the major part of the cold is gone for her now. I have been drinking lots of juice, and plenty of water, and hot cocoa (hey, it makes ME feel better) and hot cider and hot tea, and taking my vitamins, so now it's just a matter of time. Still, I'd like to know where the battle horn for raising the white blood cells and T-cells is. Nae, any ideas? I think gollum stole it. Or maybe one of the fighting Uruk-hai broke it. Maybe Denethor is staring at it in his White City now, thinking it is the horn of Gondor that his dear Boromir carried, all the while it's just the broken horn of a college student who can't rouse her white blood cells into action. Without my horn, who then will come to my aid?
I went grocerying this evening, and remembered to buy more hot cider and orange juice, but forgot the chicken soup. I will have to nourish myself with something other than the "perscribed medicines for cold". Mayhap some noodles, or...Potato and Ham chowder--even if it doesn't sound like a good soup to Katie. It will have to do. Unless of course there are people in internetland who want to travel to middle earth, steal my horn back, and bring it here--along with chicken soup--to help this heroine get better.
Or maybe...I just need the King. After all, the hand of a healer are the hands of the King, or so Ioreth the healer would tell us. Where is the King of Gondor when you need him?
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