Monday, February 09, 2004

Dreams Are Silly Things

So, I go to bed last night, and my eyes hurt. I have a cloth over them, you know one that is cold to take out the swelling. The power goes out, then back on. I sit up, take the cloth off my eyes, and reset my clock. Too bad I set the alarm clock as the time. But, I don't use it as an alarm anyway. That's what my cell phone is for. I didn't realize this during the night however. So. I wake up and look at said clock,and it says 6:00. Not so much, that was abotu and hour and a half off. I remember thinking I didn't have all that much sleep time left. I was wrong. Strange night, huh. The dreams were even stranger.....

Setting one, kitchen...vaguely my apartment, but with a seperate dining room. I'm in the dining room at the table, eating something. Talking to people. I notice my grittle (do I own one???) is still on. I go to see what is up. I see chicken being cooked. Brett Favre (what is he doing here?!?) is there, with a cute apron on, cooking chicken and other things on the grittle in the kitchen. The chicken is herb covered, or something. He finishes cooking, turns off the grittle, and sets two chicken breasts beside the grittle for me. "I'm done here, you can eat those" He says. "Don't you want any?" I reply. No answer, he walks out the door, which wasn't there before, and leaves.

New setting, I'm at home in green bay, talking to Katie. Asking for directions to her place in Eau Claire. (She lives in EC she doesn't. Ok, so maybe she just has a Cottage there...COTTAGE!?!) So, She gives me some directions, I think about them, but don't write them down. I'm back in Minneapolis, and I'll meet her in EC.

So I'm in Minneapolis, and Brett Favre is back (why is he still here?) It's my house, I know this (and I'm not thinking this is a dream...yet), yet it has two beds in the bedroom, like you would find in a hotel. He's sitting on one, actually, kinda laying on his stomach. I'm sitting on the other. We are facing eachother. He has a portfolio in his hand. You know, the kind you can flip open that has the pad of paper inside. He has it open. There is a bunch of stuff written on the paper, but not line per line. There are doodles, words underlined, a sentence diagonally. He's talking to me. Hesitant about something. He stops and starts, occasionally writing something down left handed (why is he writing left handed, I've seen him throw a ball right handed. I think something is wrong. ((I'm beginning to think I'm dreaming)) Still, I can tell he has issues, so I let him talk.) I listen to what he says, offer him advice. He looks young, like the pictures of when he first came to the packers, like he's a rookie, like we went to school together. (I don't remember what he said, but we talked for a while, and then the scene suddenly switches...I remember the taste of the chicken he made me, it was really good.)

I'm driving, and talking to Katie on the phone. I'm getting directions to her place in EC again, because apparently I don't remember what I didn't write down. She tells me to turn on this street, go one block go left. Go right down another street ((I can't remember the names right now, but she was giving me specific street names)). I turn down the street she tells me too, and keep driving. I ask her when I am going to meet her. She pauses, and then says " I haven't left Green Bay yet." I stop to think about that (but keep driving, I'm using my headset). So, you won't be here for at least four hours?" I reply. "Yup" she says. I change my mind on where I want to go. "Tell me how to get to the library and the mall." I respond. She tells me. I have faith in my memory this time (after all, I'm not going to be interupted by Mr. Favre) so I hang up and drive. I have my window down (do I have a convertable? My car isn't the saturn, it's some sporty thing, and it's a manual) I drive past Lake Michigan, practically on the beach on this street. It's cold, I don't know why my window is down, but I leave it down. I can smell the water. (Why is Lake Michigan in EC now?) I drove to the library, and turned off the car.

I am in front of the library, a white building, with old fashioned siding. Looks kinda like an old fashioned church put to a different use. I imagine inside will be floor to ceiling books on the old fashioned style bookshelves. Problem...the library is closed. I put something (what is it?) into one of those storage lockers with the little removable keys you see at places like a ski lodge. I took the key, and went to the mall.

I'm in the mall. I go to Victoria's secret, and look at things that I saw on a website. I find things I like. Satin robes and the like, and try them on. I get the opinion of people. I make a purchase. Brett Favre is back. (why does he keep showing up?) We go back outside. I get in my car, he pulls away in his little green coupe with a sunroof. It's kermit green. That is the color we decide on.

I call Katie, and get the directions to her place again. I meet her there. I hear my alarm...(why is there an alarm, where am I supposed to be now) I fade into wakefullness.

So there you have it, all the bits of my dream. It mkaes no sense to me, just a bunch of randomness. But, the chicken was good. I woke up thinking mostely of the chicken, and could still taste it. Yum. (I had chicken for dinner, but it just wasn't the same)

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