Tuesday, February 03, 2004


I did it again today! No, I didn't fall down rollerblading, or ice skating, or slide down a wall climbing. Today, I ran. Yup. I ran/walked over 3.5 miles. First I warmed up on the eliptical runner for 1.5 + miles. Then I walked .25 miles, then ran 1.5 then walked .25 for a total of 2 miles on the treadmill. This is the second week in a row of Tuesday Cario, and of going 3.5 miles. I also bench press, and do sit-ups.

So, I'm not sore today, but you can bet tomorrow will bring a whole different tale. Last week I climbed Wed. night and then went dancing at GZ on Thursday to ease the pain. I'm climbing tomorrow, but I think I'll have to throw in more cardio on Thursday to keep it up.

If I keep it up, I might even allow myself in public in a bikini. That would be something new and different :P

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