Saturday, May 08, 2004


Holy singed eyelashes, batman! Yes, we had a bonfire on the property today. Not a big one, just a mini-one. A practice for the big hurrah on Memorial Day, you could say. Learned a few things. 1. Don't try to put out the grass fire while the wind is blowing soot in your burns. 2. If you stay too close to the heat for too long, you will singe your eyelashes, making them a bit shorter, and causing them to curl every which way. 3. It take a long time for that much wood to go out. 4. Wear layers.

Lessons learned, it was a fun time. We made even more piles to burn, though the ones we made won't be the ones we burn on Memorial Day weekend...not unless we are really ambitious, and have more in the way of fire prevention materials on hand. My brother works like a fiend. I think he doesn't like to sit still. I mostly played with kerosene, paper, and sticks, and carried fire around on the end of my burned stick, lighting other things on fire. Pyro? Who, me?

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