Thursday, May 13, 2004

Some things just shouldn't be seen...

They say there is a time and a place for everything. I have to disagree. I also agree with that, "you have to try everything once." statement. I do not feel the need to do things that would hurt myself or my friends. That being said, I'm not going to shy away from things, just because they are the unknown.

No, there are some things that don't need to be experienced. Like for example, seeing one of America's Finest in their underoos. I was going for a walk, minding my own business, staring blankly at the buildings on the side of the road. Then, to my consternation, we came upon a Firehouse. The window was lit by the pale and flickering glow of a television tuned to late night programming. I was still looking blankly at the buildings and windows, when suddenly, painfully, my eyes came into focus on the dorsal side of one of America's finest, changing his clothes in said room. He was in the process of adding pants to his attire. Ugh. Not something I needed to see, but I couldn't seem to turn my brain off fast enough. Now I have the contrast of dark briefs and pale legs burned forever into the part of my brain labeled "shouldn't have gone there". Sigh, note to self: Learn to look at the sidewalk.

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