Monday, May 24, 2004

What a Weekend

Saturday I went to The Movie Troy with Karin and Cliff. I was leary at first, because I have read the Illiad, and I am reading it again. And I wasn't sure about a few of the actor(ess) choices. So, I decided to walk into the theatre pretending that the Illiad doesn't exist, and this was just a nice piece of historical fiction made up by Warner Brothers and the Screenplay-writer. I was pleasantly suprised. Yeah, things don't go exaclty the way they do in the Illiad, but they had to cram 10+ years of warfare and history into 3 hrs. The sets/props/actions were mostly attempting historical accuracy, and I was pleased w/ actor choice in most cases. Yup, as to not give anything away, that's all I'll say--oh and I'd go see it again! Then after it was Baker's Square and Pie, and then Barnes and Noble. A great day indeed.

Sunday I woke up late, because it was raining, and a good day for just sleeping. I finished reading a book, and then went grocery shopping and did laundry. I tried to make banana bread, and never have had a problem before, but this time I wasn't paying much attention, and forgot to add flour, so it became more of a bread pudding. Yummy, just really really sweet and mushy. Failing in that, I went to Old Spagetti Factory with Jenny and had a yummy meal. Then on to Kohls for some good deals on work clothes.

When we got back to my place, Jenny, Rachel and I were looking through old cookbooks. We found a recipe for "Tomato Soup Cake" Giggling like mad women, we decided to try it. So right then and there we did the baking of a cake, including an emergency trip to the grocer to get cream cheese for the frosting! We all thought, it can't taste good--it can't! It's cake w/ tomato soup in it. But, after cooking it, and icing it, and eating it, we were amazed. The thing actually tasted good. So, I took it to work today to share my experiment. Judging by the compliments and the amount of cake gone (almost all) I think Jenny, Rachel and I did a good job! (Or maybe it's just the Icing--wtg Jenny!)

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