Thursday, July 24, 2008

Plodding Ahead

We've almost reached one month into this little crusade for better well being. I signed up for the Y on June 30. As of today I will have gone 10 times (though only 9 this month). I need to go 3 more times (not counting today) to reach my 12 times per month. T/W/Th next week you will know where I'll be.

I bought that bathroom scale right before joining the Y. I stepped on it. Yes, and I keep stepping on it. Slowly, ever so slowly, the numbers associated with my mass have diminished. I have almost reached that magical 5 lbs gone. It's not the end, it's barely even a beginning. I don't notice it upon my frame. Still, I'm below the number that scared the crap out of me. I'm back in the range of numbers where I started - two years ago - to 'get in shape'. Yes, the sine wave of my mass is almost exactly the same as it was 2 years ago. I have been up to 15 lbs lighter, and up to 5 lbs heavier in that time. I think it's time to work on staying the course.

Still, the gradual decline in mass is heartening. And, even though it's a small number, it's a maintainable one. I read that about 1 lb per week is a maintainable weight loss. I'm about there. This means, of course that it won't be until Thanksgiving time that I will be near where my goal is. Right before the holidays - but I like a challenge.

So, tonight I'll go to the Y, again. It gets easier, and it will be easier to make my 12 times when 3 nights a week aren't eaten by other sports. Maybe I'll soon be able to run more than 1/2 mile before collapsing. Right now, I swim, walk quickly, and play on exercise machinery. That's enough, for now. I'll just keep plodding ahead, making tiny, reachable goals.

1 comment:

Karin said...

Way to go! Already seeing results is great. Check out this website for some good workout music:

I've been using the Intervals one - it helps w/ the walking/running bits.