Sunday, November 16, 2003

Little Ms. Housekeeper

That was me this weekend. Saturday I cleaned the house before going out with my neighbor downstairs. We went to Kierans and the Tims were playing! Yummy food, a Strongbow cider, (I like Blackthorn better than Strongbow, though Strongbow makes for a nice pint) and good music. Today I woke up and decided to play Betty Crocker. I made a pumpkin pie, and pumpkin-oatmeal-walnut-raisin cookies. I couldn't decide what I wanted in them, so they got everything. I forgot the chocolate chips, or they would have been added too. The whole time I was baking, I was listening to my Mannheim Steamroller "Christmas Extraordinaire" CD. I know it's not even December yet, but it wall all grey out and I found myself humming christmas songs anyway, so I ran to my room and threw the CD, very nicely of course, into Katie's CD player that I'm babysitting. I wouldn't want it to feel neglected after all. Then, since I didn't want to start work on my paper yet, I iced them with powdered sugar frosting. I did already finish that paper I was dreading, it is entitled "Property For Sale--On Mars???" It's about overpopulation. Ok, now that I've made you all hungry, I'm off to finish up some other homework.

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