Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Still flying through the Mists of Insanity

The Mists of Insanity, sounds like something out of the Princess Bride, except those were Cliffs of insanity. The Mist of Insanity live just outside of REM sleep. The have taken my dreaming seige and refuse to release it. We're on to reality dreams. Unlike reality shows, they are not horridly over acted, or produced, over zealous ideas about idealistic romances and winning lots of money. Nope, my dreams live in that curious everywhere'sville of normality that make me wonder if what I dreampt actually happened or not. So far I've dreampt about finding a missing sock, about the end of a bus strike, and going shopping for groceries. Last night I actually lived today. I woke up, got dressed, came to work, saw myself doing various of my work tasks, and then leaving work. I woke up before anything else happened. Not everthing at work went the same as in the dream, but only because I didn't want them too. I didn't, for example, want to wear my nametag around my neck like I sometimes do, and did in my dream. Instead, I clipped it ot my pants, even though it was more uncomfy. Hey, you have to fight doing what you are supposed to, right? I don't like being told what to do, not even by my dreams :P

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