Monday, March 15, 2004

Ugh! Why me?

I think I'm psychic, I have the 'foresight' ability. It comes and goes, and it usually only tells me when I'm gonna do something stupid or painful. Sometimes it's specific enough to tell me what is going to happen. Like today. Today I spilled chili on my khaki skirt. Now, one would think, "you wore khaki and ate chili, Murphy's Law states that you must spill chili on yourself." I also know about Murphy's Law, so I took pains to not spill chili. But, I kept getting little flashes on insight that the chili would spill. I was being extra careful, and then it happened. My spoon jumped out of my bowl and onto my pants. You see, I was taking care of the chili and the chili bowl, but I forgot to also take care with my spoon. So the premonition comes true, and I had to spend 15 minutes in the bathroom washing chili off my skirt so I didn't look so obvious walking around. I'm sure I'll still get stared at though, along with the obligatory "that girl can't eat right" looks. *sigh*

I had two dreams this morning that were perhaps also premonitions. We'll have to see. One involved the current bus strike, and it's end date, and the other had to do with the location of my missing sock. Only time will tell...

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