Friday, October 12, 2007

Finally Friday

Whee, and ouch. I woke up this morning after a wonderfully silly and somewhat scary dream about myself in a gorgeous blue evening gown running around saving the day. There was a child in a mandarin style black suit, but he was older than I was. He was also NOT a vampire. He was...other. He was eerie, but smart and he was on my side. There was also my old, old apartment, the one I lived while finishing my Undergrad. Except, instead of being a four-plex it was a duplex - upper and lower. Also there were hidden rooms and staircases and it wasn't on the same street. Still, I knew it was that place. I bought it, and Trev and I were going to remodel it and sell it, or live below and have other live above? I don't remember those details so well. So, somehow I ended up dressing in this blue gown (with matching blue shoes) and the child showed up and we were in the lower apartment and it was our headquarters and I went off to an english style garden with tall hedges around and about it in, and was attempting to save the day. The details of said dream have faded since this AM when I woke up to have my phone misbehaving for the third day in a row (saying I was online?), came to work, and now am writing it down. Note to self, wake up with time to write crazy dreams down before coming to work.

So, yes, the whole point of this post....It's Friday. Yup, that's it. Friday Friday Friday. Wednesday for part of the day I was convinced that the next day was Friday (so I must have thought it was Thursday), then I realized my error and was depressed for a whole hour. This morning I woke up, and knew I had an early meeting to prepare for so I knew I HAD to get up. I didn't want to. But I did, because tomorrow I can sleep in somewhat. Also I can go to bed early tonight if I wish. Yay!

Tomorrow I'm going to go try to catch roommate's rugby game, and there is a b-day party for a certain lady I know, and also sleep. Sunday is football, and more sleep, and perhaps knitting as well.

Oh, and also - WE CAUGHT A SECOND MOLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, I am excited. Yes, it's dead. And no, I don't feel bad about that. That corner of our house has caught two now, I think we'll keep the trap there.

Ooh- note to self, I need to get my sprinkler system blown out this weekend or next week...before the F word returns.

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