Monday, October 08, 2007

Good night, and good luck!

I'd call this post Sleepless in Cottage Grove, but it's not love I'm out to's sleep. For some reason, even though I should be exhausted - even though I am exhausted - I can't sleep. I went to bed at 10:30. I laid there w/ no luck for 2 hours. I almost achieved sleep once, but it was stolen. I decided since I wasn't getting any sleeping done, I might as well get up and play on the web, move around - see if I could make myself tired to sleep again. Not sure it is going to work, but I can try. If this doesn't work, I'll whip out my work computer and do a few hours of work.

what I really want is a good thunderstorm. The news promised me one, and I've seen them on radar taunting me, but always they move around me. I think if it were thundering and lightning and raining, I could sleep. Is that odd? Probably. But for some reason it feels as though it would work.

Anyway - good night all, hope your sleep is better than mine.

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