Sunday, October 21, 2007

Sunday Sunday

And no Packers game to watch :( What's a girl to do? She tried to sleep in late, but was awake at 10, and gave up on the sleeping in about 10:15. She then decided to clean and cook. Yup - I've cleaned and cooked all day. (Of course, cooking has entailed putting things in crock pot and then being tantalized by the nice smells all afternoon.) I have cleaned a good portion of my house. The office!? No. The office is the one room that is still bothering the heck out of me, but it's not the deceptively small project it looks to be. I have to organize. Yes, that is the scary bit. So, I wait and hope that it doesn't bother me so bad that I start and get halfway done and then stop.

What I really need is a (weekend) blizzard. Yup - you read right. Something that will make me stay inside, and then I can clean and organize to my hearts content. Because I know that if I start in the office, then I'll organize all the closets, which will lead to organizing and sorting the understair storage, which will lead to the garage (maybe not a blizzard for that part) and then eventually the shed.

For now, I'm going to get a snack so I don't eat all the food in the crockpot before dinner, and then perhaps do some writing or play a game. Yay for breaktime!

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