Thursday, April 27, 2006


Tomorrow is Friday. That means today is busy, otherwise known as Thursday. I have a 5-8 page single spaced (yes, single spacing is stupid to require because it's impossible to correct and no, I have no idea why it's required) paper due tomorrow that I started about an hour and 20 minutes ago. I technically already have 5 pages, though I'm almost certain the title page and reference page don't count. I have 2.25 pages of actual finished type, and another .25 pages of things I'll probably say, headings, etc. I'm thinking I won't have a problem reaching the 5 pages, but I'm not sure it will be what the assigment required. I have so far 2 pages of explaination, not critique. I figure I'll write it all and then go back and add some critique? Hm.

Yesterday I should have been working on said paper, but instead I cleaned up a bunch of loose ends, and then went rollerblading around the lake with Lee and Karin. What was going to be a "quick introduction back to outside skating" turned into 15 miles. After all that excecise and the loose bits out of the way I feel I can concentrate on the paper, and when it's done, finish up a few one other project. Tomorrow I will turn in said paper and go over a paper/presentation due Monday with a classmate. Then Tuesday I have to present another project and then POOF. Done. Whee!

I still have yet to start my Poster...eep. Oh, and Monday I have a job interview too. Can't forget that. I need lunch. Break time for me. Then it's back to the lovely computer in the corner of my room.

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