Monday, December 16, 2002

Done futzing for now, I'll write about the weekend after I study for an hour or two :)
Well, I'm about 95% done with my new look for this page. I promised a new look, or some new colors, and I decided that since the other template I was using was being incredibly dumb, I would get a new one. After about an hour of struggling with this new one, I figured out how it worked. (yeah, my HTML is pretty rudimentary, but I am good at trial and error!). I am still playing with background color, and link color, but this is the look! Take my new poll, I changed the guestbook a bit, take the time to leave me a note there about whatever! I had a great weekend at the shows. I will update everyone on that later. Like anything that I start, lyrics, poems, stories (anything but homework) the page updates are going to occupy my time til I get it the way I want it. And, since I have the time right now, I'm going to go back to that. More later!

Friday, December 13, 2002

Ok, so I had a really strange dream last night. It involved a lot of people I knew, and a few places I have never been. I'm going to write down what I remember of it now.

First setting: Campground type area inside a gym at a non-descript school. Lots of cots and single and double beds are strewn around. Rachel and I have created a tentlike structure out of some paper bags, a few sheets, some 2X4s and a few cardboard boxes. We called it Espandeutchland and we spoke Gerspanglish there. We had a porch area with folding chairs and my little grill, and we had taken off the top part and were roasting marshmellows and hotdogs over the flame. They were yummy let me tell you! Across the gym, Karen had her single bed set up on a rug. Jenny was in another area and she had her double bed on wheels which she used as both a bed, and a taxi. Chris pushed the bed, and people got rides from one part of the gym to another cause for some reason, we were playing lava monster or something and didn't want to touch the floor in certain places. Chris had been taged by the lava monster though, so he could walk there, and he was a good lava monster and didn't go around tagging people.
**Scene switch**We are now in some sort of mall. We got there through a magic portal, a doorway, and we are running around being chased by something. I don't quite recall what it was that was chasing us. Katie and I and Rachel were together, and we ran into the Mars Musicland (that was it's name) and hid behind some drums...(they were very big drums). But then...the temptation of playing with the toys got to all three of us. Rachel grabbed another drum and began banging on it, and then she picked up the drumsticks and started doing lunch practice at a symbol. Katie picked up an electric guitar with a mural of DBZ charecters on it, and with a pick she *pilfered* from somewhere else...(hehe, you know where Katie) she began to tune it and play. I picked up a really really sweet fretless bass and plugged into the amp which was then magically in our area and after tuning a bit began to play as well. We all jammed for a few with katie and me on the improv. of a few songs we had apparenlty written, with Rachel in the back adding symbol claps at odd intervals...(she now had a foil and was practicing her flicks and trying to hit the "O" in the word on the symbol. Well, or racket gave us away and soon we had to abandon our new toys and run around the mall again. There were way to many people there and the middle of the hallway was packed with some form of art show, and it was hard to stay away. All the time we were trying to find one of two portals back the the gym and another to a house.
*scene switches again* now we're magically into the house that was attached to the mall by a doorway. I look around and find the members of the band Down and Above looking at us like we're ghosts. Apparently they didn't know there was a portal to the mall in their house. It was actually Dave's house, I just knew this...and there were pictures of his family on the wall in the hallway. There was a bedroom in front of us, and it was kinda a yellow theme I guess, I don't remember to much of this part of the dream. I know that we: Katie, Rachel, and I, were now getting tired and looking for a place to sleep. I remember knowing we were not to sleep in the bedroom in front of us, so we began to explore the house. We walked past an astonished Dave and Ian walked out of another room, said hi, and walked to the kitchen to get a midnight snack of milk and cookies. We found another room and opened the door and walked through it and were back in the gym from the first scene.
*scene switch* In the gym, our really cool house had been taken over by partying other people, and so we went in search of a place to stay. Rachel found a single bed somewhere, and Katie to the Jenny taxi over to her area, wherever that was. Karen, whose area rug we came out of the portal by offered me her bed, but I didn't want it, or anything to do with the gym...I don't remember why I was so not happy with it, but I was, SO...I went around looking for a place to sleep (I find looking for a place to sleep in my dream rather amusing) and when I found nothing, I procured a strange looking cot type thing and walked back to the portal. Unfortunatley the portal led to the mall again so I had to run away from whatever was chasing me until I found the door out. I ended up back at Dave's house...which I've never been to, never seen, and don't even know where it is, and I put my cot up in the hallway. I had an alarm clock to wake me up and everything. The cot went up really strangely...I pulled out this mattress which was like a bean bag, and I'm not sure who came to talk to me at this point, it was the drummer Zach I think...he told me that I couldn't sleep on the floor in the bean bag cause I'd be woken up by the birds, so I reached into the tentbag the cot was in and pulled out two folding chairs and made my cot out of a bean bag and two folding chairs. Then the house changed, and it was still the same, but I was in the basement instead, and I set my alarm and fell asleep...That's right! I fell asleep in my dream, and I woke up a bit later-still in the dream, and walked over to our house in the gym through the portal where Katie, Rachel and I were eating more hotdogs and then I woke up for real.

I don't know what this one means, if anything. I know that it's odd for me to dream of the memebers of dna. I don't know them particularly well, so why should they be there right? I think it had something to do with the email they sent out about the shows this weekend. Something was in there about Dave's basement I think...The gym and the tent/campground...I can't even begin to imagine, as with the mall. I understand the musicland part, and I understand the sleeping bit, cause I was really tired yesterday...I have strange dreams. I had another last night when took my nap about the world ending and it was lightening and I knew if I concentrated hard enough it wouldn't end, but if I lost concentration it would, and I was out to eat.

*shrug* Well, I'll leave it up to everyone to figure out what they mean, and for now...I'm going to go work on ideas for yet another website...

Thursday, December 12, 2002

Woo hoo! It's the last day of classes tomorrow. I can't believe it. I thought this day would never come, and here it is! I can't wait for next Sunday, I will be done with finals then too. As of today all my official homework is turned in, so for the first time in months...i don' t have some huge project sitting on directly in front of me, waiting to pounce and ruin my sleeping. I took a nap today, woke up to blog and check my email, and I fully intend on going right back to bed when I'm done with blogging. I have to go to work tomorrow and to my LAST TWO CLASSES and then after work Rachel, Jenny and I are going to go work out!

I started working out, I had forgotten how much it hurts to lift weights (two days after the lifting). Then this weekend, there are a few great shows. There are more than this I'm sure, but these are the ones that I'm attending...Friday night-Toys for Tots charity show at the Quest. Playing are Skywind, Cringe, Down and Above, and Passing Thru on the main stage, and Black Flood Diesel, Lifelike, Ten Dark Years, Slighted and Wayne Kile in the Ascot Room. Saturday night-Banehinge, Sound and Fury, Down and Above, and Passing Thru at Cabooze Sunday-The Gaels at the Dubliner. So I that to keep me busy along with Christmas shopping, and baking, and studying for finals, and the projects due next week that I refuse to think about now. Today I'm all about pulling my covers over my eyes, and shouting, can't see it, it's not there! AND, I'll have a distraction for finals week as well....(wow this part has lots and lots of links. I challenge you to visit them all...)

I will be going to Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, opening night,Wed of next week, at 8PM. I saw the WB special on it, and taped it, and I have read the book at least 3 times in the last year now. I am so excited for this movie. I saw some things I am not sure I'm going to like that are changes from the book in the little teaser special, and I heard one thing about the movie and a certain Faramir...but I will not say what--for two reasons. 1)I don't think it's true and I don't think the source is reliable and 2) people would kill me if I said anything cause I didn't want to know this, and I don't think that anyone really wants details...they want to see it for themselves. So I'll see it in LESS than a week, and I'll let everyone know at that time if what I knew ahead of time actually came to pass....

So for now, I'm going to finish checking my email, and then I'm goign to get clean and go to bed...Yay for tonight!

Thursday, December 05, 2002

I have Two Towers tickets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! --(and that is all)

Wednesday, December 04, 2002

Well, I have been busy busy again today making changes. You will notice comments look a bit easier to read and so do the comments on the poll. They are still in inverse order, I'm not changing that, and I can't change that on the poll comments. I'm thinking about changing color schemes too...keep an eye out!

Monday, December 02, 2002

I have a new poll, and it's not at the bottom of the page this time!!! It's just under my guestbook. Answer the poll, sign the guestbook!
Happy Day back to school after thanksgiving break!Well...Ok, let's pretend you don't have to go to school, or at least take classes when you are at school. Then Happy Monday. Ooh, and also--

Happy 2 weeks and 2 days till the opening of Lord of the Rings II: The Two Towers!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can't wait to see that movie. It's in the middle of finals week for me, which means of course that I'm going to have to either wait til the end of finals week to see it, so be like. I don't care and go anyway. We'll see what happens. I would really like to see it opening night. Maybe that will happen, I don't know ;-)

I had a great weekend. It was really nice to be home and not have to worry about school, or getting up insanely early, or having to go to work. Ooh, and I ate way to much, but that is ok too. I went out to the bars and played darts. Darts are way to much fun I have decided. I am going to play them more often!

Finals are just around the corner. This should bother me, but doesn't. I'm beyond caring for at least a week. Besides, I have other projects that are do between now and the 13th. Nice that the last day of classes is Friday the 13th. That just doesn't bode well for finals taking. I can't believe Christmas is in three weeks from Wed. What the heck?!?!? I want one more week. THen again...maybe not. I'd rather have 2 hectic weeks and finals than three hectic weeks and finals, don't you agree?

Wednesday, November 27, 2002

Today is the last day of my being overwhelmed. I have had so much to do and I didn't have time to even blog.! Can you believe it? Although, many other people are in this same position, so I can see where this would be normal... From Monday morning at 7 AM til Tuesdasy nighta t 11:30 I had only a 2 hr nap. Consequently I'm getting sick I think. Grrr. Oh well. I'll live. And, it's soon to be thanksgiving! Yippee, all the yummy food I can eat. I have big meals on TH./F/Sun...Saturday will be a "get that food away from me" day I think. I'm going to go climbing with Erin while we're home, Friday sometime,.

It's my parents 35th Wedding anniversary this weekend too, so I have to find them something. What am I going to get them, no bloody clue. I have an idea, but incase they decide to come here and read this, I'll keep it to myself. If you have any suggestions, leave a comment. I am really struggling.

Well, I'm tired, and I have one more test to study for. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Thursday, November 21, 2002

Well, not much new here, I'm still overwhelmed, but the end is in site. I mean, I have thanksgiving break in less than a week, and I fully intend to not do homework or think about school for a whole 4 days!!! I'm going to get fat eating Turkey, and Stuffing, and I'm going to watch the Packers play--and win (I hope I hope I hope). Then It'll be back to school for 2 weeks (AHHHHH NO, going to fast, slow it down, I need to do more work) and then it will be lovely break! I can't believe how fast time goes when You have so much to do. Well, that's all I have to update now, nothing new or interesting in my life.

OOH OOH OOH OOH, before I forget...GO TO THE DNA SHOW AT THE QUEST this FRIDAY...Click this link for more information.


Wednesday, November 13, 2002

I am overwhelmed, the enormity of my homework situation is making me go nutz! I can't believe how busy senior year is. I want out, "out damn spot" of this hell that is my college life...It will be better soon, I'll keep saying that. Saying it'll get better soon is like saying I'll get to it later...reassuring even though I know there is not a chance in hell!

It's not so bad as all that though, and I don't "look like a wet weekend" ...but I would very much like a nap, a good nights sleep, and food in my belly...not necessarily in that order.

I have so much to do, I can only do frivoulous and fun things, like pace, and sing, and write poetry--adding on to the entry on the 7th, it seemed like a good start, and blog...because I liek to write and this is peaceful. Do you think it would be insane for me to change my major to English or something now?!?! We'll see!

Tuesday, November 12, 2002

I think it's all kosher, and there was much rejoicing..."yay"
Ok, the tables are back, and I'm waiting for the changes I made to the template to take effect. I think, the Error 503, unable to load template means...Don't mess with the template...just a warning! It hates me! Maybe they will be there after this post!?!?
GRRRRRRRRRR where did the tables go? and the links? why is blogger such a dink, and why am i not doing my homework when I should be doing that instead of doing this ? If blogger would only work...I did change the links section, and maybe that was a bad goes debugging 101.
Ooh, I just went and looked at my tracker and saw some of the searches that this blog came up on. I was hit on "down and above" and on "chad's utopia" ...which are links of mine!! That is cool. I need more links to add to my links section...And a links page, if ever I get the web page I am making on a server...for now I'll blog and it will be happy. Anyone have ideas for good links for me? ooh, I have to edit my links too...I should do that now.

Thursday, November 07, 2002

Sunrise on a far off sea,
I see it and it sets me free.
To far away to ever be...
Never it belongs to me!
~Me 11-7-2002 7:45Pm

Friday, November 01, 2002

HEHE Happy Day after Halloween! I'm here again to tell you that I ate WAY to much candy last night! There was a bowl of candy and it was calling my name, and I was drawn to it, again and again, and my sweet tooth took over and there was much rejoicing...for a while. Then my tummy felt funny and I wanted regular food to calm it down cause I had eaten sooooooo much sugar. I think my blood-sugar levels were about .35 or higher, way past the legal point I tell you! I wasn't safe to think or act in a calm fashion last night...that and I was tired. Mix those two together and you have a recipe for disaster! Good thing though, I eventually went to bed and slept it off and I'm all better now. I'm not even suger hung over. Although the sight of candy right now is much disliked! I brought a normal healthy Bologna sandwich to work today, and I'm going to eat that. (Someone--no names mentioned, was evil and brought in their extra trick-o-treat candy to work, and it's trying to call my name, but I'm turning a deaf ear to it, and so far --excpet for some milk duds cause they are expecially nummy--I have been sucessful) It's pretty cold out, which is yucky cause I wanted so much to be able to play in the lawn with a frisbee or a football or something tonight...but I'll deal.

Tomorrow night is the first hockey game, and I'm so excited...and to make it even better...dna is playing after the game, and they are the last band to go on, so I'll be all happy to go see them rock the place over at Mr. Patom's with two unsigned touring bands, Cringe from Columbus, OH and Bobaflex from Huntington, WV. I have never heard either of those two, and I'll probably miss most of their sets from the hockey game, but it's still cool to support unsigned touring bands. Check out show information at dna's show page, and check out the dna's main page for more info on them if you haven't heard them yet, (or even if you have, I'm pretty sure they don't mind repeat visitors). I'm hoping Katie or someone will be willing to go with me, or that Chris is going, cause he's usually up for a show. I don't mind going by myself, I've just never been to the place and dont' want to get lost and not make it in time for the gig.

Well, I'd best be doing some work at work...since work is where I am. Gotta love a job where you can blog and hype your fav. local band while getting paid, right?

Thursday, October 31, 2002

Happy halloween !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just learned that the other HTML tags worked in blogger, man...I'm going to be having some fun now! I am so EXCITED that it is Halloween, it's my favorite holiday. I really enjoy candy, and seeing littles all dressed up cute, and having a good excuse to do something drastic to myself. I did just that, but I'm not saying what til after halloween is over, cause I am enjoying the shock value this has:) It's gotten some funny looks so far...heheheh. Tomorrow is November first Ok, I realize DUH, what with it being the 31st today, but that is not my point! Anyway, I can't believe that it is november already! What the heck...Where is the time goingSo..first home hockey game for me this weekend, I'm going saturday. I can't wait, I love hockey games. I am still not sure if I'll dress up for the game or not...I think I'll not wear a costume. Well, that's all for now. Talk to you oogily-boogilies later!

Monday, October 28, 2002

I got an email back from the bank, they were remarkably nice considering the tone of voice I used with them...I got 90 dollars back but they are still keeping 60. I suppose it is fair. But grrr. I didn't need to spend 60 dollars on something like that. I still need to go to the bank, i should really do that today, I may, and I may not I'm not sure. I'm kinda all set to do homework right now, and I would hate to ruin that vibe with something so silly as running to the bank to add money to my account. Of course, silly things like turning on and off lights to suit the level of light my eyes crave seems to be doing the same thing--ruining the homework vibe. I really do have a lot go get done tonight. I have a few emails to send and all my Deform to do, and I have to study for watershed engineering, cause I have a test in there on thursday and I have to get somethings ready for the test next week tuesday. I have design stuff for two classes to do at some point.

I took a test today in my Transport engineering and boy was it a bitch. It was way to long, and I know I didn't do very well on it. Maybe a 50 percent. I just hope that everyone else did as bad as they think they did in there, so that the curve is nice. I hear though that last year they had the same problem with this professor. Makes me want to rethink the class I'm taking with him next semester, Water Management Engineering. I can't not take it though, unfortunately. I still have to go finalize my schedule. I am not sure about one of the classes I was going to take now. I will still take it, I'm just not sure I'll have people in there with me. There are a few like that. Oh well, I'm a big girl I don't need to know someone in the class to take it, that is too high school for me. It's nice cause you can study with someone and work on things that way, but yeah~whatever. I think I'm going to do some of that emailing and homework before the feeling leaves.

Sunday, October 27, 2002

Ok, time for update Whimsical Doodles, part two. I tryed to do this earlier, I really did, but the stupid blogger wasn't working properly. I've had one hell of a weekend. I'm not going into details here, much. Mostly I hate banks. They are so dumb. I didn't make the mistake, but somehow my transfer of funds never happend except on the day that I did it, and so now I owe lovely Wells Fargo many many overdraft fees. Someone please tell me who died and made their fuck ups earn them money? Not going to happen! I'm going to call them and bitch really really really loud and forcefully and "negotiate strenuously" with them tomorrow. Other than that, I did some homework this weekend....well I tried to do some homework this weekend, but wasn't at all motivated. Oops. I did find a class that works into my only taking tuesday and thursday classes next semeseter which makes me a very happy person. That means I can work Monday and Wed and Friday mornig and have the rest of friday to do whatever, and such. It will feel like I'm a part time student even though I will be fitting 5 classes and a lab into two days. I think it works, I will have to see, come registration day.
Anyway, I'm going to post this before blogger decides to be a bitch and not work again.

Wednesday, October 16, 2002

Well, I took my midterm last night and let me say it really did kick my ass. Not only did it kick my ass, but all other parts of my body. When it got bored with kicking, it started whiping and taunting. Very mean taunting too, worse even than the Frenchmen from Monty Python's Holy Grail. But I didn't run away. I stayed there and took it (literally) til time was up and I had to leave for the bus. My only consilation is that it was a ninja test and it beat up everyone that I talked to about the same as me...I hope for a nice curve.

In other news, I want to play pickup games of soccer! It's cold out, and I am hungry, that's all for now

Tuesday, October 15, 2002

This is a test of the stupid blogger system
Well, I have a midterm I should be studying for, but as usual-other things distracted me. So here I am blogging when I should be studying and I think I've sorta studied myself out (bad thing for this early in the semester) so I can justify this break. It's really dumb to have 4 tests and call them midterms. It sort of defeats the purpose of the prefix "mid" don't you think? I do. After I finish this dumb test tonight, which I am sure I'm going to do bad on and then I'm going to dislike myself for not trying harder when I don't have time to try harder on this class cause of all the other classes and work...sheesh,(back to what I was saying) after I finish this dumb test I'm going to sit infront of the TV and veg for a few hours. Not that I have time to, I mean I have a programming assignment due tomorrow and two assignments for work due tomorrow...Yuck. I also have to finish a project for my other job by thursday sometime...I think I may pull the work at one job for the other job trick. I'll be able to do it, but It is going to take for figgin ever to make that many excel files. Oh well. (going to take a lot of disk space too, sheesh). I will code when I get home and answer as many of the questions as I can for a bit, and then I'll watch tv and answer questions again, and then I'll finish the questions fro the work late at night, and then tomorrow I'll to the other work thing that night...or something. I need a laptop desperately. I want to do my work while watching tv, not exiled in my computer room! But if, and that's a big IF, I do get another computer, it will be another desktop cause I need the computing power of one, and I can't afford both. Ah, the woes of life!
Blogger is weird...Stupid Error 503...anyway

INCUBUS ROCKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For those of you who didn't know I went to incubus this weekend. Hometown Hero opened, and they had an ok show...But I spent most of their show trying not to get knocked down in the mash pits that kept erupting all around me. I wanted to do some mashing, but that was rediculous!! Then there was a really really really long break between the shows so that the light guys to could climb onto their little places and let us watch them do it,...I was hoping one would fall, no such luck *hey they had safety lines, I'm not COMPLETELY evil and mean* While we were waiting the crowd of younglings around us (ps I went with Katie and it was great fun) became really annoying and without manners and began crowding and groping and I had to get a little bitchy at one guy and hip-check him away from me. OH well. Once Incubus took the stage, all hell broke loose and after about 1 song we were like we need to move, so we did, and found a great place to watch the rest of the show! I got a really cool shirt, though it's cheaper online, oh well...mine's got battle damage (nothing visible, but I know it's there). That's all for now as I have a midterm tomorrow. ttyl:)

Monday, October 07, 2002

Just a post script to the last message, or to any message really...Sign my guestbook please. It's all lonely with only one message! :)
Well, what to say? Blogger has been friggin annoying lately with it's Error 503. Anyone who blogs and sees that knows what I mean, sometimes it doesn't matter and your stuff gets posted...sometimes you are screwed. I have a limnology test friday, and homework due tuesday wed and thursday...lots of it to be precise. I also have shows to watch and things to do :) I can't do homework all the time! I have been feeling really active lately. I went running a few times this weekend and I plan on keeping up with it, and doing some climbing and some weight lifting, if I ever get a break from the homework! I mean, what do Profs. Think? That we use every hour of the day going to class and doing homework, with no time to eat or sleep or watch TV or go out with friends or be active? I THINK NOT! I am all about my senior slide this year! I have meetings to keep and things to do, and I'm going to do them with the least amount of work necessary to be happy! I want good grades and a good job, but I think that the internships and such that I get will be more important than a silly A- ro B+...or the difference between them. Grades are a measure of our ability to conform to a system, figure out what a prof wants, and deliver, without making to much of a fuss and getting in hot water. I'm good at fussing, and I like hot water. It's great for baths, and hot tubs...and hot tubs are great for other things, like getting bad knots out of the back that are caused by fussing. So see, it's all connected.

On another note, My wrist hurts and I have no idea why, maybe I was boxing the wall in my sleep. I will have to go see if I did damage at all. Later!

Friday, September 27, 2002

People have been on me to update(katie), and I really should, since it's been over a two weeks since I wrote in here last. Let's see, what has happened that everyone should know about. I've been doing way more watching movies than I should when I have homework due. Everything from Monty Python to Ever After. I just think watching movies is far more desirable than doing stupid homework. My classes are going ok, if you like taking boring engineering classes (ok, before I have the world wide web crash down upon my head, i should say that the classes aren't all boring, after all, I'm choosing to do this career for the rest of my life...until I change it...but you have to admit, some profs can be a trifle boring.) I am really enjoying Limnology (the study of lakes), it's an ecology class, and the prof is this little old man with two hearing aides, and so much knowledge on the subject you think he must have learned some from osmosis. It's a bunch of reading, and the book is bland, but it's something besides equations for once. I have to take ANOTHER heat transfer class, I'm in it right now, and it's all a repeat of what I have done before. RAR! or so I say. The lab is even worse. It's a visual basic lab, which I realize could be minorly interesting, and important if she actually taught us the programing language instead of just saying, "here code this and I want it by this date". Grrrr. I can't believe it. oh well.

Another story...Deformable Body Mechanics. Has to be the worst night class ever invented. I seriously think there might be benifits to mind altering drugs when I sit through that class for the entire 2 hrs and 15 min. After all, If I don't know i'm there, I could at least handle it better. I've taking to writing poetry in there and drawing, just like my Bioprocess Engineering class last year. I know that is naughty of me, but I seriously can't handle the way that guy lectures. We had the 4th class in it this past tuesday, and we received the fourth syllabus. I'm thinking we're going to get one every time we go to that class. AHHHH. ANd it's a sophomore level class. I think I can handle it, but I ahve forgotten my basic Physics and Calculas and Statics and Dynamics that I need to have fresh in my mind for this one. GRRR. (can you see the frustration seething out of the web in little ones and zeros yet? If not...well, look harder, sometimes they move fast.)

What else can I complain about here? Since this seems to be a day of complaints? Well, I haven't been handed 1 million dollars by some random stranger yet. There's always that. How can I achieve my goal of becoming independently wealthy if noone hands me money. I can't work for it, that would defy reason. Also, I didn't get to sleep in this morning. Ok, enough of me complaining that the earth isn't perfectly round (or other such crazy nonsensical stuff). I need to get back to work...
Here's to thoughts of long nights of sleep~!

Wednesday, September 11, 2002

Today is September 11th, a day that our generation remembers as being one of the most influential days in recent history. To us, it’s on par with Pearl Harbor, especially since many of us never experienced the event that entered the U.S. into World War II. One year ago, today, the security that Americans enjoyed was shattered by pointless acts of violence. Those at the helm of the planes, and their unhinged leaders took away the veil of innocence from our eyes. Today, we remember what it felt like, and to some…the feelings are stronger, because the shock we were in has begun to lift. The world today is much different for all of us than it was a year ago.

Today though, is still just September 11th, and although we have our heartstrings tugged by memories that haven’t faded, and probably won’t, we must continue to go about our lives and move on. Our generation’s question isn’t “Where were you when Kennedy was shot?” but rather “Where were you on the morning of Sept. 11, when the first plane hit?”. By now, though images of the wounded buildings still burn in our minds, and the collapse will haunt our nightmares for a long time, we have moved on to thinking of more pressing or trivial things. We as a people are resilient and we heal. We are also optimistic. I know for me, though I though about last year at odd times today, my mind was focused mostly on how bored I was in this class or another, and in trying to kill the wasp that was drunkenly flying about the classroom.

Today in history: 1814, the US is victorious on Lake Champlain, which leads to the conclusion of peace negotiations between Britain and the U.S. and the end of the War of 1812. A very good thing happened on this day, which is now only remembered by a few history majors, or by those who go looking for odd “this day in history” facts. Sometimes, when the media, and our own perverse sense of the overdramatic catch us, we need to stop and realize that though this day changed our lives, it didn’t ruin them—one year ago. We are stronger, more aware of ourselves, and the world we live in, which is a good thing. We are kinder to our neighbors (hopefully) and take time to notice the flowers blooming, which is a good thing. Some say that America finally woke up a year ago today. Well I say, “Good Morning!”

Tuesday, September 10, 2002

Changes yet again to this wonderful page. I have added a questbook. Please take the time to sign it, play comments in it, read it, enjoy it, and have fun with it. It's here for you (and for me). Though I like the comments sections of my blog, I wanted a general book for people and came up with --whimsical responses. I'll be adding more fun stuff, like links to my fav. bands sites, and a daily poll or something. There will also be more creative entries by me and others (if anyone wants to add to this page), more rants, and more laughs. Later~

Monday, September 09, 2002

Went to Down and Above again~! This time I went with a few more friends, who had never seen them before and they really enjoyed it too! I am so happy. The show was awesome, and I got to play "street team" for a bit, cause the space was really set up badly, and things needed to move fast. It was fun. I like helping people out, and the guys in Down and Above are really great, down to earth people. I wonder if they need more help on their real Street Team. I'm so there if they do! I'll have to find that out!

On another note, I have a dissertation for you.
Why This Night Sucks
Does anyone in the reading audience know what the worst feeling in the world is, besides those outlined in another dissertation I have written that you may or may not have had the opportunity to read? The worst feeling in the world is being disgustingly, totally, and inconceivably hot. This isn’t run-of-the-mill, normal, middle-of-a-summer-afternoon hot either! This is the all encompassing, befuddle your brain and make you not feel like doing anything hot. I am all for heat. We only have a few months of it here in this northern state, but SHEESH! I hate this not happy feeling on sweating because I’m THINKING! Not to mention I discovered we have either biting fruit flies or no-see-ems in the house, cause I’m getting eaten by hungry little critters who are homing in on my sweaty body signal. I feel grosser now (after showering a few hours ago) than I have after going camping at a place with no showers for an entire weekend. That’s not the worst of this though! The heat has wrapped it’s lackadaisical haze around my brain and caused me to forget most of what it is I need to remember to do this homework assignment that needs to be done for tomorrow night. And I have that CLASS, that horrid horrid class to look forward too. Wow. Tonight sucks. I hate tonight. Supposedly there is a rain shower on the way here to cool me down and lesson the sticky sweet humidity, but of yet it has been tardy for class, and I’m fairly certain the weather is skipping tonight. I would like to give it a detention, if I could find it! I would like at least rain tonight to relieve those of us without air conditioning in this city a reprieve. It is supposed to cool down later in the week, but heat causes me to have no patience and I want cool, non humid weather now! Damn it! Why does this state have such extremes. I mean this summer we have had a friggin’ monsoon season, on top of really really really really really hot days, and humid days. And then we get big storms. (I look forward to the big storms, the only thing this blasted weather is good for is making awesome thunderstorms that make me want to run out and become one with nature.) It’s school season now, why the blazes can’t the weather go to the beautiful low 70’s during the day and 50’s at night weather and stay there till about mid November? Oh dear, I have digressed. I hate tonight. I have still 5 problems to do for that CLASS tomorrow. Some of you know what that CLASS is, and why I keep yelling it. I know I’m not going to get them done tonight, because I’m writing dissertations instead of doing my homework like a good girl. But as I previously mentioned, the heat has stolen my ability to think and do common mechanics problems and AHHHHHHHHHHHHH. I give up. I’m going to take a cold shower and think chilling thoughts like how much homework I didn’t get done tonight!

Well, that’s all for now. Talk to you when it’s cooler.

Monday, September 02, 2002

Found a new use for this page as well, Music Reviews!!!!

I went to the show at the Quest in Minneapolis this past friday night. Five bands. Subnormal, Hook Echo, Skywynd, Down and Above and Sunset Black. Awesome show. Great times! I had such a good time there! First local show here in Minneapolis and I have to say, I was not disappointed. All the bands put on a great show, and I got two new CD's. Sunset Black released there CD that night, and Down and Above and officially released theirs the week before, but I couldn't get to that show, so it was new to me too. I didn't have time yet to listen to them all the way through, I don't have my CD player up and running yet, because of the move, but as soon as I do, I'll let everyone know how they are! The first band, Subnormal, had great stage presence. The oldest OLDEST member is 18. They are on their way up! I'm getting their CD too, they are mailing to me cause they sold out. I have to say though, that my fav. part of the night was when Down and Above played. So much energy! We (my friend Chris and I) were in the second row, right up there, and got to see and feel and be part of it all! I can't wait to see them again!

On another note, I'm all moved in to the new apartment now. Still have organizing to do, and school starts really really soon. I get to read Engineering and the Mind's Eye! Doesn't that sound like a heart stopper? Literally! I still have to buy most of my books, and get the phone and cable modem hooked up at the apt. and other such wonderful stuff...but I'm ready to begin again I think. Until later-enjoy September!

Wednesday, August 28, 2002

::She screamed loudly as the universe unilaterally collapsed down upon her. There was nowhere to hide, or run. Nothing to fight. Nothing to do but wait out the minutes, one at a time; counting minutes and hording them like a miser hords his gold. They fly past as fast as jet planes, but pass as slowly as the seasons turn. Why? Why must time affect us so???::

Monday, August 26, 2002

T-minus one week and closing on the school starting again. Soon I will be in my senior year of college, and worrying about just what it is I want to do with the rest of my life. Too bad I can’t just become independently wealthy, or win the lottery. I could marry a rich man, but where’s the fun in that, and I don’t know any that are my age, single, and of the type I could get along with for the rest of my life. I think I’m going back to my other idea, the one where I invent something useful and become rich, and then don’t have to work at annoying jobs, and can just own a bookstore or something! I still have to purchase my books for this semester. Can you believe what books cost? I have one that is “optional” but of course all the homework will be from there. Used it is 80 dollars—USED. I am not buying a precious gem here for cripes sake! Nor am I buying the forest that the tree used to make the pages of my book was cut out of. I’m buying one book, about 200 pages, with little amounts of black ink on it. Tops it should cost me about 25 dollars. GRRRRRRRRRR. Consider that this weeks rant. Books are too expensive. I’ll write a disseration on it later when I’m not trying to pack all my stuff for the move I have to make to my new apt at the end of the week. I’m going to go crash into my bed for a few hours now. Goodnight and merry book hunting! (bang---got one)

Tuesday, August 20, 2002

I am such a bad girl. I just realized the last time I wrote was a whole two weeks ago. Bad me. I had a lot to say, I think I just didn't say it because It was such a busy time for me. I went to the dells to visit friends, and had friends here visiting me, and went on a boat ride, and went home, all in the last two weeks. I am still busy, and I don't plan on becoming un-busy. Where's the fun in that? I know, being bored and sleeping has it's place, but it's time for action. Actually all the action is being forced on me. I am helping my cousin move in Madison next weekend, and then the following weekend I'm moving myself. Then school starts, and the major rants for this site will begin :)

This weekend was awesome, and interesting, and SPONTANEOUS. Ok, the going home was planned for a long time, but I cut my hair, and went out with friends...and that was pretty spontaneous. The friends chillin, not the hair. I knew I wanted that done. Katie and I played Baulder's Gate on PS2...when the damn thing would work. We are so kicking the games ass...though we had to start over cause our other saved game disappeared. But that's ok, we changed charecters, now I'm the elf chick and kicking some ass with burning hands and such--while Katie shows the world who is boss as a dwarf who can majorly kill the baddies. The charecters are even getting along fairly well...for a dwarf and an elf. So far, we haven't killed each other too much...though we each have blow ourselves up with dynamite a few times. It's a cool game.

But i'm getting tired. I'll talk more later.

Monday, August 05, 2002

Well, it’s another week, and I can’t believe we are in our first full week of August already. Wow. Ok, time flies, or I’ve been standing still with my hands over my eyes and plugging my ears yelling, “go away time!” I think it is the latter. So I’m sitting here at my desk, and thinking of all the stuff I have to do before school starts again, like work on my class and pack and buy books and find a job, and yeah…I’m kind of wishing that I had another month. Can I buy July the same way one would buy a vowel on Wheel of Fortune? Something tells me time is not for sale, unless of course you bribe the Maiden, Mother, and Crone. And some other little bird tells me the Fates are not for sale. Damn. Perhaps, if I can get Chronos…no, never mind. So I’ll just sit here with my dessert of a hot cup of Chai and a square or two of the chocolate my friend Rachel brought me from Germany (I have to ration it, I only have one bar) (and I’ll never eat Hershey’s “milk chocolate” again…you were right Rachel, you were right.) and try to plan my procrastination in such a way that I manage to get everything done that I want to do, and have to do, without giving myself an ulcer, or worse.

On the plus side, I’m feeling rather whimsical, and impish, and creative tonight. I may draw again, or I may write poetry, or I may even begin another one of my stories that I usually send to the Recycle Bin as soon as I get 4 pages in, cause I don’t like it so much. I have a good idea (again) and maybe I’ll stop procrastinating long enough for the Muses to help me out with it. Or maybe my creativity will confine itself to the playground of my Blog for tonight. You never can tell.

Another plus is soon The Two Towers will be released into the theater. This makes me giddy. I have read all three books in the Lord of the Rings trilogy, multiple times, and The Two Towers is my favorite. Kind of like Empire Strikes Back (you knew Star Wars was going to show up in here eventually, come on, it’s me!!!), it’s dark and mysterious, but gives you some hope. It also stands alone as well as being a good middle chapter of a trilogy. Don’t get me wrong; I love Return of the Jedi and The Return of the King (ooh, notice the similarity in the titles…) and on some days they fit my mood better, but you just can’t beat the “chapter two’s”(in the trilogy, I know Empire is Chapter 5). I know many that agree with me. I think Jenny does, and maybe Katie. My brain seems to not want to remember who likes Empire best. Katie can also agree with me on Towers, I don’t think Jenny has read them yet.

Speaking of new movies coming out, I am also excited for the next Harry Potter. Yes, I have gotten involved in that fad. It’s me; I love good writing, fantasy, and make believe. The Harry Potter series includes all three rather nicely, don’t you think? I do have some issues with he Goblins. Katie agrees with me on this. I subscribe to the Tolkein world of fantasy, which most people follow, so to me a goblin looks rather a bit like what they did, but taller, and mean and not so smart. I realize that there is such a thing as creative license, and she has every right to write the way she does, it’s just hard for my brain to wrap proverbial little literary fingers around the difference with the same world. I am also eagerly awaiting, along with about a billion other people, the 5th installment of the 7 book series. It will be another good beginning of winter for movies. Wow, this entry has gotten really long. I could continue to talk, or write rather, but I think perhaps my readers have had their fill for one entry. Good Night

Saturday, August 03, 2002

Well, I’m now officially done with my Dreamweaver 4: Basics class, so I should be a basics pro right? Maybe. I am good with many things, but I really need to sit down and play with it to make it all work. I don’t know how to do forms yet, or some of the other…more advanced stuff…but I’m learning. I really enjoy this. I think I am wasted as an engineer. I should go into web design and web editing and such. Of course, I’m in the wrong program and wrong school for that…but, yeah. Maybe I’ll just put it on my resume, and go find a job where I get to play on the computer all day ;-) or maybe not.

AHHH! Don’t you hate those people in class that have to ask inane questions just to try to get the teachers attention? We had two of them in there this time. One of them was the, “I can’t watch you click a mouse on the projector screen and follow along on my computer because that is just too difficult for my little brain to handle” people. The other was a “I’m going to ask lots of stupid questions to get attention, and get into trouble a lot so I need help cause I think the assistant student worker is hot” type. GRRRRRR!!! In a perfect world they would make a class for these types of people. It would not be called Dreamweaver 4:Basics, but rather, Dreamweaver 4 for the Computationally Impaired…or maybe “for those who need their hands held while working with a computer.” Now before anyone goes and gets onto a soapbox about the need for me to be all Politically Correct, let me tell you something else. I have no problem with those who are genuinely trying to learn, and really are struggling with the software. They get extra help from the assistant quietly where needed, and ask important, and intelligent questions. It is only the attention seekers and the true idiots of the world that I am aiming this tirade at. Deep down, you have all felt this way before. They are the proverbial “that guy” in the class. (If you don’t know who “that guy” is, he is describe above generally, and in thermodynamics classes you get to burn him through a wall with hot fluid) ((If you still don’t get it, contact me, and we’ll chat))

Otherwise, the class was fun, and I did learn a lot, even though I had to use a fisher price computer. I kept looking for the little plastic lever I got to pull in order to make the little plastic coin come out of the slot. But alas, it was well hidden from my perusal. **Pause here to swat at a bug bothering me in my room. One of those Asian beetles has invaded, you know, the ones that look like ladybugs but bite and are pests and aren’t. Ok, I think I killed it. Back to blogging** I started a web site for work today, using my knowledge of the Dreamweaver, when it is done I will direct everyone too it. Oh well. The night is very old, and I am tired from the golfing I did today and biking to work and getting up early. Have a good weekend everyone!

Wednesday, July 31, 2002

Hi all,
I'm sitting in a Dreamweaver class right now. It's kinda fun, but it's going slowly right now, the time that is. It is going to be useful, expecially when I get the program and can make my webpage with my pictures and sounds and all that...It will be very fun. We have covered the Dreamweaver interface, formatting existing text and now after this break we are going to place images and experiment with tables. This class had people of all abilities in it. There are some who have used Dreamweaver 3 or 4 already, some who have never seen a web editor, and some, like me, who have seen some things, and catch on quickly. Well, we're getting back to the class. It's not taking me so much brain power, but I think that is because I catch on to this computer stuff rather quickly, (kinda like my friend Nate). Oh, and another thing, this computer looks like a Fisher Price one! Why must Windows XP look like Fisher Price????????????

Tuesday, July 30, 2002

I went to see Devine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood this weekend with my mom. She came to visit me. We had one heck of a storm during and after the movie too, but that isn’t the point of my story, yet. I really, really liked it. I know it had some bad reviews, and maybe the reason I liked it so much is I can relate to some of the stuff in the movie. Oh not the bad stuff, but the good things, and the humor, and having friends like the ya-ya’s. I kind of had a group like that growing up. We never had a special name for ourselves or anything that I can remember, but many of the same close ties were there. And I could relate to having my friends help me to be a little less reticent. So all in all, I would say if you are a woman (guys may have trouble understanding all the topics), and you enjoy girly movies, and movies with a story, and movies with an actor who has a GREAT accent (I love accents), then this is one for you. It made me sniffle and laugh, so all in all a good movie-going experience.

Ok back to the storm. OOH—funny story: After the movie we drove home in a monsoon, and there were flash floods over some of the roads and I enjoyed thoroughly going through puddles at high rates of speed like they tell you not to do. When I got into the city (most of the drive was on the highway), and I was almost to my house, the water pressure built so much in the storm sewers that it was blowing the man-hole covers off and shooting water 30 ft. into the air a-la-geyser-style. It was so fun to watch, we were driving just slightly behind it, so we saw them do this geyser act one at a time for about 8 or 9 blocks.

I love thunderstorms with a bunch of rain and wind and especially lightning! I love playing in them. We are supposed to have a few more here tonight and tomorrow and Saturday, I can’t wait. Anyway, next chance you get go play in the rain and wind and have a great time, and go see Devine Secrets.

Wednesday, July 24, 2002

Wow, I'm starting to understand HTML. I'm in a class for it right now in fact! We're on break...Still, whoever made the template for this page used software that is still over my head, and over the heads of the people teaching the class. Well I wouldn't say over the heads of, but I would say that they have never seen it before, cause I showed the template to them and wallah, nothing going. I do feel more comfy already playing with my templates....and soon now I might even make my own and FTP it up and have my blogger there, or I'll make a new blogger, cause I don't want to lose the stuff on this one. It's really kinda cool...this class, though I've pretty much already done all the stuff that we have covered through my own trial and error. After break we are going to cover Hyperlinks, Images and color and texture. Shoudl be interesting. I can't wait. hehe..

I can't wait to take the advanced classes and the Dreamweaver classes and some FTP classes...and, oh wait, one thing at a time...Well, looks like we are going to be getting back to what we were doing earier. Time to go all.

Go out and learn something new today!

Monday, July 15, 2002

You know, I thought I would be better at keeping up writing in this, but my bad, I'm getting lazy already. That and I just haven't had that much to say. I went to see Mr. Deeds this weekend, and for an Adam Sandler flick, it was…different. It tried to do the comedy of a Billy Madison or a Happy Gilmore, but it had a storyline much like the Wedding Singer. Now I won't say too much for those of you who haven't seen it but may actually go, (please don't send me hate comments all you A. Sandler fans, I'm not dissing the movie as such) but it seemed kind of put together in a hurry and more of a cut and paste of old movies than a new movie for him. I saw the preview for the atrocious cartoon he's having come out too, an animated movie, already NOT A FAN. So anyway, there is your movie review of what I saw this weekend. If anyone else has seen it, let me know. All in all I give it 2 stars, for making me laugh occasionally and it's good if you just want to go and plug your head in for about and hour and a half, not think, and laugh a bit. That is all for now, later~

Wednesday, July 10, 2002

I drew today. I haven't drawn in ages. And this wasn’t just a doodle either. I drew a woman, in a long dress, wearing a pendant. She resembles me, and yet isn't. Her hair is short and curly like mine, and her eyes are large and light, she smiles easily like me, and like me there is mystery and mist surrounding her. But she has a sophistication I don’t have, and there in the gray lines and shadows, she hides something from me. It's there, in the mist, just out of sight, just out of reach. And like the fading remnants of a dream, the more I reach for it, the harder it is to grasp. She hides it in her hands clasped behind her back. While I drew her from my memory it almost came to me, but then, when I stopped to ponder…it was gone.

I don’t' know why I decided today of all days to pick up a pencil and a sketchpad and draw. Well, it wasn't even a sketchpad, just a pad of engineering graph paper I had laying around cause my sketchpad seems to have disappeared. They say a picture is worth a thousand words. I wonder if a sketch is worth a thousand thoughts, or hopes, or dreams. The weather could have had something to do with the drawing. It rained all day here. Not a summer rain, but a cool fall rain, the kind that I can imagine falling on a castle on a moor, with mist surrounding it. My lady belongs there, in the castle in the mists, and maybe-hopefully-so do I.

Thursday, July 04, 2002

I haven’t written for a while on this site, I have to admit, I haven’t been doing much in the way of reading/watching movies/writing lately. There are some movies I have meant to go to, but I really haven’t found the time, or when I do, I can’t decide what one to go to. I’m really looking forward to the second Harry Potter movie though, and I’d like to read the fifth book, too bad it isn’t out yet. I can’t wait to see The Two Towers, the second installment of Lord of the Rings, it should be great. It reminds me a bit of Empire Strikes Back, but I don’t want to go into it too much for those who haven’t read the books yet, (like my friend Erin). For those of you who have read both, or seen one and read the other…I’m sure you can agree with me.

I saw Star Wars: Attack of the Clones twice, but I could have done without the fireplace scene. To me that was too mushy, and not what Star Wars is all about. I mean, yeah romance IS part of it, but it doesn’t need to be THAT obvious. I like the way the played the romance bit between Han and Leia much better. Subtlety is key in these types of movies.

Ok, enough on that, it’s the 4th of July, I’m going to go enjoy the food, the sun, and the booms… Have a good night all.

Thursday, June 27, 2002

I think I should probably introduce myself for those of you who don't know me that well. First things first, my name is Tricia, and I'm an Environmental Engineering student, nearing the end of my degree. It's kind of scary knowing soon I'll be out in the "real world" rather than in the "safe" world of college. I have been in school for so long that the concept of not having summer vacation seems really odd. When I start a job, I'll be at the bottom of the proverbial food chain, with only a few weeks of vacation ALL YEAR! Scary thoughts, huh? ;)

My interests are really diverse. I love to do active things like biking, hiking, climbing, roller-blading, and horseback riding. I also enjoy outdoor things--like camping, that aren't necessarily 'active'. Some of my other favorite activities are reading, daydreaming, and writing. Someday I would love to write full time, though I haven't decided on the genre yet. Some of the things I like to read are Shakespeare, Tolkien, some poetry, as well as other classic novels, and some Star Wars novels. I also enjoy fantasy and mystery novels.

In physical appearance, I'm average. I have blond curly hair, blue eyes, and a quick smile. My personality is a strong one, and you will either find me over-bearing or incredibly full of energy and great fun. I'm rather impulsive sometimes, but other times I'm really careful about what I do and tend to over plan. I am kind of a 5-year-plan girl. I'm a party girl and a loner, though a paradox, I manage to pull it off. I have a slow temper, but tend to keep grudges until I realize there is no point, which is after I have cooled down to below boiling.

There you have it, me in a nutshell. This just scratches the surface of who I am, but It will do for now, everyone will get to know me better as they read my blog.

Wednesday, June 26, 2002

Hi again!
Well, another day, another entry, and changes too. I added my friend Chad's web site, Chad's Utopia as a link. It's really cool, and I recommend a visit. If you didn't notice I also have my friends' (Katie and Nate) pages too as links, and I have added a literary criticism link and a movie database (thanks Katie for the literary criticism link, I got it from your page). If anyone can think of other links to add to my page, please let me know. I did send out an email to some people (I hope I didn't miss anyone, but I'm sure I did) to let them know that the page was operational, but if you are reading this, you are here (Boy, can I state the obvious) and so please tell anyone you think would be interested in this page about it. That's all for now...

Tuesday, June 25, 2002

I have comments, see everyone, I made a comments section…Please make comments, which is what this little link is for. Slowly but surely this is turning into a better blog. Well, the hour is late and the morning comes early…so I leave you with this poem, the namesake of this entire endeavor…

Whimsical Doodles

I doodle words on my paper
Thoughts floating around and through me
Coherency non-existent
Ideas seen as whispering dreams

No idea is ever complete
Changing their shape whimsically
Sometimes they float on the ceiling
The run, play, and dance so softly

I try to trap them, to catch them
Butterfly desires and hopes
But on their wings they avoid me
They laugh at my thought catching ropes

I doodle words on my paper
Drawings of my ideas and thoughts
Creative sketches of feelings
A few words and ideas that I caught
-Tricia, 2002
Well, since I created this blog this morning, I have changed templates three times, and learned a little HTML. The contact should now work, as well as the links. More links will appear as I have permission from friends to add their sites, and as I find more sites I really like. If you would like to have your page linked to mine, please let me know!!! Comments still on the way...I'm working on them :)
Welcome to Whimsical Doodles. I have never had the patience for a web page before, and I will try to post often on this one. I envision this page as a place for me to publish some of my own poetry, including the piece from which this page gets its name. Also, if others would like to publish their poetry or short works on this page, I'm thinking that could be fun too. It will also be a place where I review movies I've seen or books I've read, or others do those things and I just place them on the web. Eventually I'll have comments and links and all those wonderful things, but I have to teach myself HTML first. Pictures would be fun too...The sky is really the limit. Speaking of limiting.... I think I'm going to try to limit the personal ranting and raving I do on this blog, I will probably have a separate more private one for personal rants, but I'm not promising anything. Later posts will include information about who I am, and about those people who would like to publish on my blog. Well that's all for now, I hope everyone enjoys this first attempt at a web page of mine ;)